Mama? Oh, he’s gonna get his ass whooped. I can feel a storm brewing.
Meathead number two, Secretary — according to his dirty patch — snickers.
“She’s a PI,” Halo blurts out. “So technically she can’t arrest you, but she’s trained in martial arts, excels in stakeouts, surveillance and obtaining classified information from illegal databases.” Okay, that last part didn’t need to be shared as it isn’t exactly legal. “So it may be wise to just answer our questions and we can get outta here and all go home in one piece.”
“You wanna stakeout my bedroom?” Blue Eyes snickers.
“Sure your mommy won’t mind?” I toss back.
His smile drops, but his friend explodes with laughter as he pats Blue Eyes on the back.. “She psychic, bro? How does she know you still live with your mom?”
I’m glad to see my instincts are not far off.
“I think I’m in love.” Blue Eyes holds a hand over his heart, his eyes squeezed shut. When he opens them, he adds, “Oh, and for the record, honey, my mom lives with me because she’s recently single and I’m a good son who looks after those he cares about. I treat all the women in my life like they’re the only woman in my life.” Fuck me if he doesn’t check out my rack.
He looks after his mom? Well, I’ll give him that. And I’m sure with a face and body like that, he’s had plenty of women, but still. Cocky much?
“She looks like she’s gonna count to three then nail your ass,” his friend laughs.
“So what do you know about the trafficking ring that got busted a few months ago?” I throw at him. “Sources tell me you’re the one who knows about it.”
He palms the back of his head. “You know, I’ll admit I lied about who I am. But the bartender knows exactly who Brew and Haze are.”
“He does?”
“He should, he’s their older brother.”
I turn to look at the dude. He’s still watching us and not even making it conspicuous.
“Should you be telling them that?” his friend whispers loudly.
“Nah, but it’d be good to see someone kick Hustle’s ass.”
We’re wasting time.
“What do you wanna know about the trafficking ring?” Blue Eyes gives me a chin lift.
I’m not spilling my guts to him right away. I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him, or anyone in this room, aside from Halo.
“Everything. Someone I care about is involved.”
“Brew and Haze weren’t there for that takedown,” Blue Eyes explains.
“But you know someone who was?”
Silence falls between us. “That’s classified, unless you go out with me.”
The cocky little son of bitch. Of course, he has no idea I’m fighting for my sister's life, but still. He just found out I’m looking for someone involved in a sex trafficking ring. This guy is so gonna end up on his ass — which is probably as perfect as the rest of him — and I won’t need to pay money to see it, I’ll be in the front row.
“How about you tell me what you know and I won’t fuck up that pretty face of yours.”
I wore knuckle dusters for a reason and I’m not afraid to use them.
All I care about is my little sister. Everyone else can go to Hell.
“I don’t have that information,” he says. “But I know someone who does.”
His friend elbows him in the ribs. “Cash won’t be happy,” he mutters.