Page 14 of Nevada


I shove my hands in my jacket pocket.

Don’t look back.

Don’t look back.

Do not look back.

This has gone on long enough, and I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ll do whatever it takes for Tilly. That wasn’t even a true statement. I’d die for her. Tilly has done so much for me in my life, so giving up on her isn’t an option.

I don’t care what the cops say. I hound them relentlessly. This asshole Liam Callaghan, the asswipe assigned to the trafficking case, knows my face and my name.

I show up from time to time and he tells me the same thing: “We’ll be in touch with any new developments.”

I know he thinks he’s just doing his job, but paperwork slows cops down. And I don’t have time for that shit. Which is why I’ve taken matters into my own hands.

I’ve found out more information myself than I have through them, but then again in my line of work, I have connections. Not all of them are above board, but those are the best kind of friends.

Take Kyle for example. He’s a hacker and so good at his job he got contacted by Homeland Security to work for them after a breach a few years back. To say he flies under the radar because he works for the government is an understatement. I’ve also known him since I was in grade school when he was a nerd and had no friends. I guess you could say I’ve always fought for the underdog because I’ve been one myself. I’ve been at my lowest low, and only a handful of people have remained by my side. Halo and Kyle being two of them.

I lost my mom years ago, my dad walked out on us when I was a teenager. I’ve no other family aside from a few cousins I never see.

Besides my sister Tilly, Halo and Kyle are my family now too.

I pull out my phone and text Halo.


The wedding was a dead end

I head back to my truck, checking behind me to make sure I’m not being followed. If the NOLA Rebels think I trust them, they can think again.

Then there’s Nevada.

I climb into my truck and my phone beeps with a reply.


You went to the wedding????


Uh, yeah. You think I’m afraid of a bunch of bikers?


You have no regard for your own safety. They’re bikers! Might I remind you about how we almost didn’t get out of that stinky bar a few weeks ago


I’ve got that Nevada guy right where I need him


Between your thighs?

I stare at the message. I also do not acknowledge how wet between the legs I am at our little tussle in the alleyway. There is no denying that Nevada/Asher is gorgeous. He’s also huge. I felt his dick pressing against me and fuck me if it didn’t make me delirious with need.