Brew rolls his eyes while Haze chuckles. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
I want to concentrate, really I do, but I can’t stop thinking about those men looking at my girl. Wanting a piece of what’s mine. And she is mine. We may not be able to put a label on what we are right now, but if she thinks that another man is ever gonna have her, she can think again.
“Say goodnight to your friends,” I mutter so only she can hear me.
She swallows hard, ignoring me, and when she says she’s going to ride with Halo, Halo shoots her a look. That only makes me want to fall about laughing. It’s pretty obvious Halo has other plans that include Riot.
She falters for a second, then, probably realizing she’s breaking girl-code, she sighs and lets me steer her to my truck.
“See you back at the ranch,” I holler, though I’ve no intention of seeing any of them until tomorrow, and I’ve every intention of pinning my girl to the bed so I can ravage her sweet pussy. “Get in the truck,” I say to Star.
She pulls out of my grip and I get an eye full of her sweet ass as she attempts to strut away from me. I come up behind her and open the passenger door, but before she can climb in, my mouth is at her neck. “You should get a spankin’ for behavin’ like that.”
“Why?” she tosses back. “Not used to a woman having a mind of her own?”
I chuckle. “Fine. You can spank me back when I’m done.” I pull the handle on the door and, after giving me one last belligerent look, she climbs into the truck.
There’s a lot of tension going on tonight with everything we’ve learned so far, and we both need to let off some steam. I close the door and jog around to the driver’s seat.
Driving my girl home feels like the best feeling in the world. For tonight, I want to do more than make her forget. I want to make sure she remembers. What it feels like to be with me.
How good we can be together. And how she’s the most important thing in the world to me. If I can’t make her see, I’ll certainly make her feel.
I tug her ponytail. “You like bein’ a cock tease, Mama?” We’re barely in the door of the motel and my hands are at her hips as I pull her back to my front. I’m still sore from the tattoo, but that shit can wait. I have to have my girl, and I want her now.
She shakes her head.
“No? You know what I wanted to do to every man in that club that looked at you tonight?”
Once again, she shakes her head.
“I wanted to cut their fuckin’ eyes out of their heads so nobody could ever look at you again, except me.”
I know she’s needy. I flirted with her all night; teasing her with little touches here and there. Then again, she did the same thing to me. Touching. Kissing. Feeling.
If another man had the gall to approach her tonight, I’d be ramming my fist so hard into his vocal cords that he’d never speak again. Yeah, one might say I’m becoming a little unhinged over this woman, but it’s what she does to me.
I’ve never been the jealous or possessive type, but Star has my blood boiling and I’m powerless to stop it. Completely and utterly.
My fingers dig into her hips and I know she’s needy for me. I shift her around so she’s facing the wall. Her hands splayed against the brick as I press against her ass with my body, letting my erection dig into her. “You feel how hard my cock is, baby?” I cup her tits with both hands, enjoying it when I hear her whisper, “Oh, God.”
I kiss her neck, fondling her breasts as she pushes her ass back against me. “You were a bad girl, Mama. You enjoyed those men lookin’, didn’t you?” I tug on her nipples and she mewls. “Answer me.”
“Yes,” she breathes. “I liked it because I knew you were getting jealous.”
“Do you like me gettin’ jealous, baby?”
She nods. “I like it when you only have eyes for me.”
Now we’re getting somewhere. Her even giving a shit about me being jealous tells me she has feelings. Granted, I don’t know how deep those feelings go, but she feels something at least.
Her admission has my balls tugging and my dick hardening at the same time. I fucking love it. “I do only have eyes for you. These hands are for you. This mouth is for you. And this dick…” I push it against her again and she gasps. “That’s only for you, Mama.”
“I want it. I need it, Asher.”