Page 71 of Nevada

“You’re so goddamn pushy, you know that? You should be sharing with Riot.”

I tsk. “Then Halo would have no place to crash.”

“She’s not going to jump into bed with Riot. Trust me.”

I just love pushing her buttons. “I don’t know, I think she looked pretty flushed just now. What is she, the Virgin Mary?”

“No, but she takes her time getting to know someone.” She gives me a pointed look that makes me laugh.

“Just like you did?”

One foot after the other, she trudges behind me and I feel ten feet tall because my girl is coming to my room. To our room. “I was horny. Sue me.”

I tip my head back and laugh out loud, earning me a look from the others who are ahead of us. “I’ll remember you said that.”

“Why, so you can use it against me later?”

I gasp. “Again, you insult me with words. If we didn’t have a meeting with Brew and Haze in the next hour, I’d be sucking your pussy until you rise off that bed like the goddamn Holy Ghost.” I feel a slap to my shoulder as she whacks me. That only makes me laugh harder. “Baby, you know I’m for a little rough play day or night.”

“Why don’t you make it any more obvious we’re fucking,” she whisper-shouts.

Hearing her say that settles my racing heart because it sounds on-going. Like this doesn’t have to end.

I don’t want it to end.

I’m fucked, I know that much.

“Like they don’t already know after this morning?” I throw back. She can’t deny that. It was so hot, knowing they could hear us as I made her come. Leaving her in that fucking mess so I could go and take care of myself. “You also owe me because I had to take care of myself today.”

“I don’t owe you shit.”

I bite back another healthy laugh. I swear this chick works wonders on my abs from laughing so much. “That’s not how it works in my world.”

“Really?” she purrs. “And here I was thinking that we were in my world.”

“Oh, I’ll be in any world you want me to be if I get to taste that pussy and ass again.”

The color in her cheeks rises, and I grin wider because no words come out of her pretty mouth. “After all, we both know you like the dirty talk.”

“Nevada, stop it!” She almost sounds amused herself. My chest puffs with pride that I put some light in her darkness. I know how much she’s suffering, and all I want to do is take her mind off things. Okay, it’d be fine if she fell in love with me too, but Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that.

I can’t deny that I kinda love it when she chastises me. It makes me want to do very bad things.

We get to the corner door and I shove the key in the lock. The door opens with a creek. The motel isn’t bad, but it’s also not exactly The Ritz. But we need to lay low and be close to the storage facility, which isn’t far from here.

It’s clean inside and looks freshly renovated. The duvet is crisp and the pillows look comfortable. I dump the bags. There’s some heavy curtains that I immediately open to let the light in. The entire suite is like a mini-apartment with a renovated bathroom and a tub. I imagine soaking with my girl in there and my dick hardens.

There’s a mini kitchenette, but we won’t be doing any cooking in here. Well, not the type of cooking that you’d normally do in a kitchen.

“This isn’t too bad,” she says, as if her expectations were low. “Pity I won’t be staying.”

I don’t know why she plays hard to get.

The walls are a light gray with tile flooring and carpet in the bedroom, which also looks new, which is a pleasant surprise. I guess old Gladys liked me after all. It was worth the free upgrade for just a smile.

I make a show of sitting on the bed and bouncing up and down on it a few times. It doesn’t squeak, much to my disappointment.

“Oh, you’re stayin’, baby girl.”