Page 66 of Nevada

My sister's tear-stained face says it all, but she nods. I hold her by the shoulders and assess her face; her nose isn’t broken but there will be a bruise there.

“Amanda’s getting away!” Sammy cries as I turn and see her running.

“Sit her down, I’ll be right back.” I take off after Amanda.

I should drag her back to the school. I should call the police — which I will be doing after this — I shouldn’t take matters into my own hands… But my sister was just assaulted by this bitch.

She’s slow and I catch up to her in no time. Yanking her by the shoulders, I drag her into the nearby public toilets. She wrestles and screams, but luck is on my side because nobody is around. “Do you think it’s nice to pick on younger girls or those smaller than you?” I grit as she tries to wriggle free. I put my arm around her neck and essentially choke her. Her hands fly up to her throat as she gags. “I’m going to teach you a lesson today, Amanda. You’re not going to walk away with any bruises, but you are going to pay.”

“No!” she gasps.

I tsk. “That’s no way to talk to someone who has their arm around your neck now, is it?”

I move her toward the stall and shove her down so she’s facing the toilet. She tries to scream, but no sound comes out.

“If you scream, I swear to God I will fucking drown you in this toilet.”

Tears stream down her face. “I didn’t mean to…”

“How old are you?”


I shake her.


I shake my head. “Sixteen? And you’re making a thirteen year old do your homework? Are you fucking stupid?”

“Tilly is… she’s smart and I just didn't have time to…”

“Wrong answer.” I shove her head into the toilet and flush it.

Okay, so maybe I’m a little crazy. I don’t fucking know. But she asked for it.

I lift her back up and she’s gasping and writhing around. “How many other girls do you do this to?”

She doesn't answer so I flush her again. When she resurfaces; this time she’s crying and garbling. I hope she’s enjoying a taste of her own medicine.

“Let’s try that again.”

“Only a few!”

“So two?”

“Three, three I think?”

I swallow hard. “Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to go to the principal's office tomorrow and tell them what you did. The police are going to be called, and we’re going to sue you for assault. If you don’t do what I’ve asked, I know where you live, and I will come back.”

“But… But my parents…”

I sigh. One more dunk won’t hurt her. I flush her a little longer this time.

She flaps around, and normally I’d even start to feel sympathy for doing this to another person, but not a girl who just hit my sister and bullied her into doing homework for three weeks, and to other girls. I hate fucking bullies.

“Now, let’s hear the right answer.”

“I’ll do it!”