Page 46 of Nevada

“Well I hope you got a screenshot in that Pretty Boy brain of yours, because there won’t be a repeat.”

I put a hand over my heart, not even bothering to tuck my dick back into my boxers. Nope. She can have a good long look at what she’s throwing away. Not that I’ll let her do that, of course. “Once again your words cut me deep. I know you liked it, Mama. You don’t have to act all weird. You can have dick on demand, you just gotta say the words.”

“Dick on demand?” She’s still tucking herself in. “Jesus Christ.”

“He won’t help you.”

She glances at me as she rights herself. “Will you put that thing away already?”

I look down at myself; my jeans pooled around my ankles with my boxer briefs. “Fine, but I’m good to go again if you change your mind? Goin’ once… Twice…”


I’m pleased that it sounds like this isn’t the norm for her. Good. It might make her think twice about all the average dick she’s ever had before. “I’m twenty-seven, remember? Younger guys can go all night, buttercup.” I laugh, pulling my jeans and boxers up as I do up my fly. “Three times a charm.”

She makes a noise in the back of her throat that only makes me laugh harder.

Funny, I had this idea that she might be a little nicer after having a couple of orgasms. It seems I didn’t do my job properly. I’ll have to remedy that next time. Despite what she says, she’s not gonna say no to more of that. I’m cocky enough to put two and two together, and if all she wants is sex then that’s fine by me.

She levels me with a glare. “Do you ever stop talking?”

I grin, pulling on my t-shirt and cut. “Oh, I’m gonna be talkin’ in my sleep now, sugar muffin.”

“Urgh! Would you stop with the damn names?”

“Why? You have nicknames for me.” I don’t need to remind her of what Halo told me. The more I think about it, the more I realize her friend wanted me to know. Like my girl needed a little push. Well, she definitely got that.

“One nickname. And I’m changing it to parrot.”

I snarf a laugh. “Don’t I have two? Pretty Boy and Blue Eyes. Which do you call me in your sleep?”

“You’re insufferable.”

“This is me on a good day.” I run both my hands through my hair and gesture toward the door and give her a wink. “You don’t wanna see me on a bad day.”

She stomps to the door, then taking a deep breath, she unlocks it and stalks out. It’s like she’s mad at herself for enjoying my body. I mean, it’s fine. I’m fine with it. Like I said, I’ll be her cabana boy if that’s what she wants. If she thinks I’m not capable of more, then I can only surprise her.

I watch her ass all the way up the hall as she continues to straighten herself out. She struts across the room, the music still blaring and nobody seems to notice our sudden departure or arrival. Halo is still sitting at the bar with Riot, and I can only be thankful that the Nomad Brothers weren’t here tonight or Riot might have lived up to his name.

“Are you ready to go?” I hear Star say as Halo turns her head our way.

Halo has a little smirk on her face as she looks over Star’s shoulder at me. It’s pretty obvious what we’ve been up to. “Uh, sure. I guess we have a big day tomorrow.”

Ah yes, tomorrow. I know the girls are gonna be making plans to go to Mississippi and I need to make sure Cash is on board if I need to call on the Hellions. It’s not ideal, last I heard they weren’t legit, but there’s also nothing wrong with knowing a 1% club when you need illegal shit done. Like taking down a trafficking ring. I just hope for Star’s sake that this isn’t a dead end.

Star meets my gaze as Halo begins to gather her things and she and Riot exchange numbers.

“I’m gonna be seein’ you real soon,” I tell her.

“Listen.” Her voice is low as I lean in a little closer. “That was really… Look, it was fucking fantastic okay, but this,” She gestures between us, “This thing isn’t serious. I can’t let complications get in my way. It’ll slow me down.”

My heart thuds in my chest. Fucking fantastic? That’s all the fuel I need on my already smoldering fire. If she thinks that’s going to put me off, she’s sorely mistaken.

“Lucky for you I’m patient. I’ll call you tomorrow with whatever else Rock and Jett dig up with the staff at the club.” I need to make sure she answers. “So make sure you answer.”

She nods. Something crosses her face; regret? I can’t tell. Her eyes look unsure and wary, and she shifts her gaze to the floor, biting down on her lip. This is the vulnerable Estelle yet again. I’m pumped that this side of her exists, I just didn’t think I’d ever see it. She’s got heart underneath all that bravado. I should know, because I do exactly the same thing. I never let people in; that way I can’t get hurt.

I’ve seen what love does to people and it fucks with them. I always thought my brothers were all a bunch of idiots getting tied down, not that you can turn tricks forever, but now I get it.