Page 41 of Nevada

He levels me with a look that says ‘you wanna argue, then let’s get down to it.’ Being this is his territory, I really don’t want to get into a bar room brawl. Not when I want him underneath me. It’s one night, I tell myself. A quick fuck to get it out of our systems. Maybe then he’d leave me alone? He could go back to what he did before I came along, and I could get back to finding my sister. It’s a win-win.

“You know what would look better than you in that mini skirt?” His mouth is close to my ear and I feel heat pool in my belly.

I swallow hard. “What’s that?”

“You out of that tiny skirt.”

I love how fucking big he is, and when he talks like that, my pussy throbs. My body feels about as unhinged as it could get. My dildo isn’t cutting the mustard. Not when he’s here in the flesh, looking and sounding like that.

“That’s original.”

“The men in the club are all starin’ at you.”

“No, they’re staring at Halo. She’s a badass in that dre?—”

He puts a finger over my mouth to quieten me. “Do you have to ruin every fuckin’ moment?”

Our drinks arrive and Nevada thanks the brunette who isn’t dressed like a skank. A few of the other girls draped over the guys are, and I’m guessing these are the sweet butts.

“So who are the ol’ ladies around here?” I nod toward the chick in a sheer bodysuit with no bra on. One of the guys playing pool fondles her ass and she giggles.

Nevada looks around. “That one, over by the guy playin’ darts? That’s Jas, our accountant and Hawk’s ol’ lady.” She looks out of place in a skirt suit and glasses, her hair up in a smart bun. She looks like she just finished work. She’s laughing and the big guy called Hawk is trying to lift her off her feet, which isn’t hard because she’s tiny.

“The other chick heading back to the office who just got here, that’s Summer, Jett’s ol’ lady, she’s a nurse.” She’s wearing scrubs and again, I’m taken aback that some of these chicks actually look normal. “And this is Luna, Tag’s ol’ lady, he’s the club's Sergeant at Arms over there on the far side of the pool table.”

I turn to see a fuller figured woman, cute with a shoulder length bob walk past and punch Nevada on the arm. I think I like her. “Hello,” she says cheerfully.

“Hey,” I reply. “I’m Star.”

She sticks her hand out. “I have to shake hands with the woman who knocked Nevada on his butt and held a knife to his penis.”

“Good news travels fast,” Nevada grumbles.

We shake and I can’t help the smile that creeps across my face. “Well, I’m sure it was only a matter of time.”

“Be nice to her,” Luna warns Nevada, then to me she adds, “Don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth!”

I give her a smile as she turns and walks away. I think we could be friends.

I look back at Nevada. “They seem civilized.”

“You surprised?”

I shrug. “A little.”

Nevada slides my drink to me, his eyes on mine as he takes his beer. “To us findin’ Tilly.”

My drink stops midway to my mouth. “What did you just say?”

He takes a sip. “You’re not goin’ to Mississippi alone. I know that’s what you’re cookin’ up in that pretty little brain of yours.”

“I don’t know who died and made you my dad, but you can’t go around telling me what I can and can’t do.”

“In my clubhouse? I can do what I want.”

I take a long-needed sip of my drink so I can get through this fucking conversation. “I’ll be out of your dumb clubhouse the minute I’ve finished this drink, numb nuts. So don’t go gettin’ all alpha on me.”

His sexy gaze washes over me. “Why? Scared you’ll like it?”