Page 38 of Nevada

“I know what they are,” she huffs.

Halo laughs. “Sugar gliders are so sweet.”

“Yeah, and they’re technically a rodent.”

“Possum, actually,” I correct.

“Well, she calls you Blue Eyes,” Halo tells me, earning her a sharp look from Star. “Though I’m not supposed to tell you that.”

“Hales!” Star mutters between clenched teeth. “I do not.”

I grin even more. So my girl has another nickname for me other than Pretty Boy. And I can handle Blue Eyes.

I tilt my head so my mouth is close to her ear. “Must like me if you’ve got a nickname for me that you only shared with your best friend.”

She shakes her head, sighing loudly. “It’s a step up from asswipe, I suppose.”

I chuckle.

We cross through the second part of the bar. The lights are dimmer here as it’s usually where the girls dance or make out so people can’t see. Not that you can’t see, but it’s more private. I imagine my girl riding me back here at one of the tables in front of everyone. My dick swells at the thought of making her mine and everyone wishing she was theirs.

“Yo, hold up,” Riot calls, jogging our way. Of course, I told Riot they were gonna be here tonight and he already heard Brew and Haze were getting fresh at church. I let go of Halo and move my hand from Star’s back to her hip, essentially pulling her into my side.

As if sensing that it’s fruitless to argue, she gives me a narrowed stare, but doesn’t shove me off. I’m glad. If she did, that would make me look like a dick in front of my brothers, but it would totally be worth it if her hands touched me.

“Hi, Riot.” Fuck me if Halo doesn’t pull him into a hug. He looks bewildered; his eyes going slightly round as his hands kinda dangle weirdly before settling them on her back as they hug. Dip shit. “How are you?”

“Better for seein’ you.” When they pull back, his eyes dip low and he checks her out in that indecent dress. “You look hot.”

She giggles. “Oh, this old thing? I’ve never had the guts to wear it, but it’s not like you get invited to a biker clubhouse twice in one week.”

He grins like a lopsided idiot and I know he’s about to whisk her away to the bar.

“We got business,” I tell him, knowing that Halo won’t ditch Star just to hook up with Riot. “Won’t take too long.”

He nods, sweeping his arm out toward the hallway leading to the offices. “Be my guest.”

Halo gives him a warm smile as she moves past.

Finally, Star pushes off me, her hands on the side of my body and I revel in her touch.

I knuckle punch Riot as I pass him.

When we get to the office, Jett has joined Rock. I introduce the girls and we get straight to it.

“So, we hacked into a bunch of security cameras after a tip-off about a bus stopping right before the Mississippi state line. As we know, trafficking is a major problem in all US states,” Jett says. “And we’ve pin-pointed a location. The license plate is stolen, but there is a storage facility close by, it could be a lead. Someone knows somethin’ and if girls are still bein’ transported over the state line, this is more of an issue than I first thought.”

It’s better than nothing. So is a location.

“Takin’ out the mob put things on hold for several months,” Rock adds. “But that didn’t mean things weren't still goin’ on in underworld circles. Trafficking is under major scrutiny in New Orleans since the takedown, but that doesn’t mean other states give a shit about that. They’re still thrivin’.”

“Jesus,” Star mutters. “It makes me sick.”

“So, if we can get the location of the storage facility, there could be a chance that this is the holding premises?” Halo’s mouth forms a round ‘o’ as the words leave her mouth and she connects the dots. “Someone will talk.”

“Wait, you’re not plannin’ on goin’ there alone?” Rock cocks a brow.

Star puts her hands on her hips. “I have people who owe me.” She sounds so fucking sure of herself. “We’re not idiots, we’re not gonna go walk in there alone.”