Page 36 of Nevada

He pulls my hip before I can stop him, my chest crashing against his as he grips the back of my neck with his free hand. My breath catches in my chest as I pant like a captured animal. The feel of his hands on me… It feels… electric.

Keeping one hand on my hip, and the other on the back of my neck, his mouth is at my ear in seconds. “Pretty please, Mama. I’ll be on my best behavior.” The gravelly sound of his voice, and the feel of his hard cock pressing against my lower belly tells me otherwise. Oh, it tells me that Nevada is indeed the wildcard of this MC. My body screams at me to cup his ass… Feel his arms… Hell, do something! Yet my head yells louder, telling me to get the hell outta here before I get snagged.

“Touch me again, Pretty Boy, and that knife to your balls will feel like cotton candy compared to what I’ll do to you if you try that stunt again.”

I can feel his breath on my neck. He’s taking his sweet time feeling me up, and I wish he’d move his hand higher to cup my breast, knead it, tug on my nipple… No! That’s the last thing I want, and I don’t need Cash and the Nomad brothers coming out here to fucking catch us like a couple of horny teenagers. Plus, Halo is right outside. This absurdity has to stop, yet I’m powerless to do it.

“Promises, promises.” He lets go but doesn’t step back.

I berate myself for the effect he’s having on me; my nipples pebbled, my heart racing and my pussy slick as goddamn slip n’ slide. Asshole!

I don’t need this shit... But I do need an orgasm. Oh, boy, could I go one of those with this deliciously annoying man.

Our eyes meet one more time and I turn without words, strutting away from him, I fight every urge inside me to not turn around and drag him upstairs.

Get a hold of yourself!

I came here to find my sister, not to romp around with a man who’s younger than me and has too much to say for himself. Even if having an orgasm or two might take the edge off my grumpiness lately, it’s still no reason to overlook why I’m really here.

Though, as I stomp away, I feel like a spark has lit inside me. Not just because of his touch, but more importantly because I have a new lead. This time it could go somewhere. It’s the break I’ve been waiting for in so many months. It’s something, at least.

Who knows, if Nevada plays his cards right, I might throw a little snatch his way. But I doubt very much he’d be able to keep up with me. I smile at the idea. Then again, maybe he can.



Three goddamn days.

That’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen my girl.

I’ve texted, but she’s been ignoring me. That just makes me even more curious. I know I had an effect on her. I could tell by the way her breath hitched in her chest, her skin pinkened slightly and I’m sure I heard an indecipherable moan leave her throat when I pushed up against her.

I wasn’t even planning on touching her, but I had to. She’s so fucking adorable.

I’ve never seen anything like what happened at church the other day. She pretty much told us all to go to Hell and looked like a goddess while doing it. I almost can’t take it anymore. If she thinks this is just about pussy, she’s wrong. Without sounding like a complete ass, pussy is the easiest thing to get in a motorcycle club. And I’m not shy with my looks or what it can get me, but that was before Star. Everything I’m feeling now is for Star; my sudden bouts of jealousy whenever someone else looks at her. The way my heart pounds in my chest like it’s going to explode. My body feels as if it’s on fire; like if I can’t have her, I might actually die.

She’s not like any other woman I’ve ever met before. I like how her mind works. How she’s tough, but also smart. Sarcastic. Funny. A straight shooter. She swears. She’s got a hot body and perfect hair. I don’t just want to get her into bed, I want to possess her. Even if I know that would never happen with a woman like her, the idea sobers me.

It also makes me rock hard.

I’ve been dating my palm this entire week, and that’s getting old. I need sex. I love sex. But having sex with somebody else feels wrong, dirty even. Jesus H. Christ.

What is this madness? Then a thought crosses my mind…

Am I in love?

Is that what this is?

That’s ridiculous. I can’t be in love. Not that I’d know what that feels like because I’ve never been in love before. I do know that this feels different. I’ve never been so consumed by somebody, and though Riot tells me it’s only because she knocked me on my ass and it turned me on, he’s wrong. While that was really hot, there’s something about a woman that isn’t submissive that hits differently. I like that she's strong and stands up for herself. I like that she’s not groveling at my feet like some of the sweet butts do, just to get into my pants. Realistically, none of that should be appealing to me, but it is. I owe it to the both of us to explore this. After all, if all she wants is sex then I’m down for that. I’ll take any crumbs she’s offering at this point.

I hate how fucking mopey I am, but when I see her and Halo arrive on the security cameras in the twins’ office, I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

She came. Of course, any leads that point to finding her sister will take priority over everything else in her life. She’s determined, and I know every day that passes must feel like an eternity.

I head out, passing Rock as he heads my way. “You good?” he asks me.

I thumb toward the clubhouse doors. “They’re here. Gonna bring ‘em straight on back.”