Her makeup is perfect, along with the dark pink lipstick she favors. Her hair is swept back into a high ponytail and her long nails look like talons. She’s wearing a white top so sheer I can see her lacy bra. A surge of jealousy runs through me as I think about the other men in the room noticing that too. She’s wearing skin-tight black jeans and a dark denim jacket.
Halo draws our attention. “Hello everyone,” she gushes. Her cheeks are a little pink from excitement and she bounces on her feet. She’s a fuller figured girl and wears it well. I hear Haze mutter a profanity from under his breath, and I know he’s staring at her massive tits. “I’m Halo, and this is Star.”
I roll my lips as Cash stares at them unamused. “We know who Star is,” he says. “Not like I’m gonna forget her bargin’ into a weddin’ and bein’ dragged out before makin’ a scene.”
I watch my girl stand there unaffected. She just stares back at him and says, “If dickface over there had given me your number, I wouldn’t have had to take matters into my own hands.”
Dickface? And here I was thinking we’d come so far. “Now, now.” I go to stand. “No need for name callin’, sweetheart. After all we’ve been through together?”
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Cash mutters.
“Take a seat.” I hold the chair out next to me, gesturing to the two women to sit.
Star reluctantly heads my way, her shoulders held high as she checks out Brew and Haze before she sits. Halo follows her lead.
“And you must be Cash.” Halo beams at him. “Prez, right?”
It sounds funny coming out of her pretty, delicate mouth.
“That’s me.”
“Which one is Brew?” She looks expectantly at the two brothers.
Brew raises his hand.
I don’t think Haze has removed his eyes from her chest yet.
“Okay, so you’re Haze. Cool. Cool.” She takes a seat next to Star. I glance at her, wondering why she’s so quiet and why Halo is doing all the talking.
“Are you good?” Cash quirks a brow.
“I’m a little nervous,” Halo says, glancing around the large room. “It’s the first time I’ve been in a biker clubhouse.”
The table they’re seated at is long, looks hand-made and could seat twenty people. The room itself is simple enough with two pieces of artwork and some inbuilt storage cupboards. All we do is conduct meetings in here. Aside from the storage and a coffee maker, it’s not used all that much.
It’s nothing to be nervous about, or maybe she just means us bikers?
“Thanks for seeing us,” Star finally speaks and I wonder if that pained her to say thanks.
I want to ask her how she is. I want to touch her. But I can’t. I have to sit next to her in my own personal purgatory while I take in the scent of her wafting over me; that wild storm again with a faint hint of roses. I have to find out what it is so I can buy it and douse my fucking pillow in the shit. It’s like a goddamn cock-teasing aphrodisiac.
Cash levels her with an amused look. “Did I have a choice in the matter?”
“Look, I’m sorry I crashed the party, okay? But I have a sister… and I’m trying to find her.”
“I told them about that.” Our eyes meet so I quickly add, “to fill them in before you got here.”
“How noble of you.”
“I aim to please.”
Cash clears his throat. “So, you wanted this meetin’. Talk.”
All eyes are on her. “I… I first wanted to talk to the Nomad Brothers,” she starts. “After the raid I figured they were the ones in the know. The cops never revealed that the club was involved in the takedown; I found that out later on my own accord.”
That’s my girl. Always resourceful.
We all know we have a deal with Callaghan. He got a nice shiny medal and we got away with murder. That’s how it works in this town. Even do-gooders like Callaghan know that sometimes you just gotta take out the trash. Callaghan owes us and we will come to collect.