Page 115 of Nevada

“Calm down,” Bane says. “She’s my sister, and I brought her here for the girls. Figure some of ‘em will be confused and even unwillin’ to go. Star will make sure they’re calm and give ‘em a sense of solidarity.”

Jefferson smirks. “You’ve really thought about this, Bane. I’m impressed.”

“I think of everything.”

More like he’s thinking about the hundred ways to kill him right now.

“Pity we couldn’t do a swap.” He eyes Star up and down and I want to slit his throat.

“Watch your mouth,” Bane warns. “My sister does pack a mean punch. I could let her loose on you.”

Jefferson claps his hands like a fool, practically drooling at the idea.

My girl has won the respect of the club, and if pretending to be Bane’s sister is what it takes to have her by my side, so be it. It’s not like I could honestly stop the woman anyway. She’d find a way to wrangle herself into this. At least being here with the brothers isn’t putting her in immediate danger, even though this is a precarious situation. Leaving Star out would just be callous and mean, and I’m sure she could fight dirtier than some of Jefferson’s own men.

The thought sobers me because this is still dangerous, and what Bane has to do once this is all over will spread like wildfire. We all have to be ready.

“He wouldn’t last one round,” Star replies, glaring at Jefferson. I can tell by her stance that she’s ready to knock his head off his shoulders and I half wish she’ll get the chance.

“So?” Bane barks. “We gonna get this done, or suck each other’s dicks?” He signals to Shadow who appears with a briefcase.

“Do I need to check it?” Jefferson cocks a brow.

Shadow snorts. “Be my guest.”

Jefferson opens the case, picks up a wad of neat bills and flicks through the fold. Then he turns and signals to his men. They disappear toward the large truck and a few moments later, the rear door is opened. I grind my teeth. I don’t even want to imagine what these women have suffered, and if they haven’t yet, then they’re the lucky ones. “Got a real prize for you, my friend. Kept the best for last.”

Bane stares at him, unmoving. I can tell by his rigid stance that he’s half a second away from wanting to slice Jefferson’s head off, but he composes himself well. I don’t know if I’d have the willpower to be in his shoes. “I expect nothin’ less after what I’m payin’.”

Jefferson just laughs like the greedy motherfucker he is. The trouble with assholes like him is they get too cocky. They think they’re invincible and can rule the world. He fails to realize that there is always some bigger kingpin out there willing to take his place. He’ll be nothing soon and I hope that Bane makes him suffer.

We follow them around to the back and two armed men begin filing girls out. I stare in shock. Some of them come willingly, others are gagged and try to struggle. Each are bound with wrist and ankle ties like goddamn prisoners. My stomach recoils.

“Oh my God,” I hear Star whisper.

I squeeze her hand.

“Any of them hurt?” Bane stops one of the men, then tilts one of the girls’ face. Her tear-streaked eyes meet his and her bottom lip trembles.

“I wouldn’t send you sloppy seconds, though I do want to keep a couple for my men.” He eyes the terrified girl like a hungry wolf and Bane’s hand tightens around her jaw. “Move.” The guard does as he’s told, and Bane lets go of her before turning back to Jefferson. “The deal was I get all the girls. I have a big MC and men who are willin’ to pay good money for submissive chicks.”

“Woah, calm down, soldier. There’re plenty bitches to go around. You break in that sweet honey I gave you last night?”

“Didn’t quite get the chance yet,” Bane grits out. “Plan on it, though. That one might have a bit of fire in her belly that I didn’t count on.”

“Immigrants are more willing and able.” Jefferson taps his nose. “Plenty of ‘em in your capable hands now. Most have fake IDs but not all.”

“Speakin’ of which… you get that other thing I asked for?”

Jefferson takes a breath. “It wasn’t easy, more the point, what do you want a bunch of dead girls’ IDs for?”

“Told you before, got an enemy who had a girlfriend go missin’. Can use it as leverage to start a turf war if she’s dead. It’ll be just enough ammunition to make him come outta hidin’. Then this club won’t ever be scratchin’ for crumbs ever again.” Of course it’s a lie, but this ID shit is news to me. I guess when they snatch girls and they’re not an illegal immigrant, they’d have some form of ID on them. And that’s worth money.

Jefferson rubs his chin. “You mean the Skeletons MC?”

“Why? That gonna be bad for business?”

“Not if you have a bigger club that pays more money. My loyalties lie wherever the wallet is thicker.”