“And you’re hard.”
My lips part but no sound comes out. Well, shit. I am pushed up right into the small of her back. “Not my fault this juicy booty turns me the fuck on.” She’s wearing those same patent leather pants she had on in the Whiskey Straight, and I love the shit out of them.
“Get your hands off me or I’ll scream.”
“Do that and I won’t help you, if I refuse to cooperate, ain’t no way you’re ever gonna get to Cash. The only way to him is through me.” That isn’t exactly true, but unless she’s studied up on MC positions recently, she probably won’t know too much about the hierarchy.
“You’re a Tail Gunner,” she spits.
Then again, maybe she has read up on us? “Your point?”
“You’re not his VP.”
I snort. “You think you’re even gonna get close by doin’ this? Think about it. Cash doesn’t play these games, and now you’re ruinin’ any chance you had just because you can’t keep your temper in check. Fight me, and you ain’t never gonna get to talk to Cash.”
I feel her sag slightly, giving up the fight. “Let go of me.”
“You gonna fight me?”
She shakes her head.
“You gonna run?”
She shakes her head again.
“Words, Star, use them.”
“Don’t talk to me like I’m a child.”
“Then stop actin’ like one.”
“You would know… Are you even of legal age?”
“Legal enough to take you over my knee.”
She bursts out laughing, her body shaking as I smirk. “Now I would pay to see you try.”
“Don’t need to pay me, Mama. I’ll be a willing volunteer.”
“Asher, honey, is everything okay?” I hear my mom’s voice calling.
I turn my head as I see my mother squinting at me in the dark. Great, this is all I need.
Star’s head turns her way, too. “Your name's Asher?” she whispers.
“Hey, Mom.” I keep Star's wrists held with one hand, the other I rest up against the wall.
“What are you doing?” She comes closer. Lucky for us it’s dark. “Are you… Oh, my God, Asher!”
Shit, Mom thinks we’re having sex.
“It isn’t what it looks like. Go back inside.”
“No it’s not,” Star pipes up. “He’s holding me against my will…”
Mom takes another step. “Asher! Is that true? Let that woman go right now, young man!”
I hear Star snort. I tighten my hold, knowing full well she can get out of it if she really wants. Having my mom come out there and chastise me like a child wasn’t on my agenda tonight.