Page 96 of Scarred Souls

“No. Past meetings have been informal. Drinking. Music. Enough blow to light up a Playboy Mansion party.”


I nodded. “Of course.”

Her jaw hardened. “Then I’m definitely going. There’s no way I’m letting some hussy lay her hands on you.”

I smiled to myself. “I like this jealous side of you.”

“You think you’re the only one with a possessive streak? I almost scratched Mari’s eyes out when she made a pass at you.”

“Did you now?” I rolled on top of her, my thighs on either side of her hips and my fists beside her ears. “This works both ways, Gatita. I told you earlier what kind of loyalty I expect from you, but the same applies to me. I’m not interested in other women. They don’t get my attention. They may as well not even exist. I’ve claimed you, and that means I’m yours, too.”

She lifted her chin in that defiant way of hers. “Do I get a say in it?”

“No. You already had your chance to back out.”

Her eyes softened. “I don’t want to back out. I’m happy about this.”

Happy now, but for how long?

I glanced down at her body cocooned in a blanket, and a pang of self-loathing stabbed me square in the gut. This was what it took just so I could be near her without freaking out. “Even if you can’t touch me? Even if I might hurt you?”

“You won’t hurt me. I wish you had more faith in yourself. And I won’t pretend to be happy about not touching you, because I want to more than anything. Maybe in time we can work through your fear.”

“I want that, too. But what if we can’t?” I curled her hair behind her ear. “I’m damaged goods, Hope. I can’t even lie with you and hold you right. I know my issues are a lot to deal with. If it becomes too much, if I’m not giving you what you need, you have to?—”

“Shh. You’re giving me everything I need. I mean it. And don’t try to solve tomorrow’s problems today. We’ll deal with any setbacks as they arise, okay?”

Setbacks? Me being an unstable screwup was hardly a setback. Maybe one day, she’d realize I wasn’t good enough for her. It would have to be Hope who ended things, because I was too selfish to give her up, and God help any man who tried to take her from me.

The truth was, I’d do just about anything to keep this woman. And even though it went against my better judgment, having her at the meeting with el Capitán seemed like the only solution to our immediate problem.

An idea formed in my mind, one that Hope would hate, but goddamn, it was brilliant.

“You know what?” I chewed on my lip. “I think there’s a way to have you at the meeting without raising suspicion. Better yet, your presence might even be helpful.”

“Color me intrigued. What are you thinking?”

“It’s probably best if I don’t tell you until we get to Puerto Escondido.”

“I’m not sure I like the sound of that.” She frowned, and when her plump bottom lip stuck out, I leaned in and bit it.

“Do you trust me?” I asked, and undid my belt buckle.

Hope noticed, and her eyes widened. I supposed she didn’t know if I planned to use the belt on her ass or to tie her up.


Her uncertain tone made me chuckle.

“Don’t move.” I removed my belt and shifted back enough to drag the blanket down her body, casting my gaze over her luscious tits and rounded hips. “You know that as long as I’m breathing, I’ll never let anything bad happen to you?”

“I do.” There was no doubt in her voice this time, and it made me feel twice the man I was.

“Good.” I wrapped the belt around Hope’s slender wrists and secured them to the headboard. Her breasts rose and fell with each quickened breath, beckoning me to take her dusky nipples in my mouth. I couldn’t let myself get distracted by her body. Not yet. “If I let you come to the meeting, you have to do everything I ask without question. I can’t have you getting mouthy with every Mano Roja member who looks at you like a piece of meat or, God forbid, forgets his manners.” I gave her a pointed look.

“I’ll be on my best behavior. I want to help, Vaughn. I need to contribute in a more meaningful way than the useless breadcrumbs of information I’ve given you so far. I’m ready to step up and do whatever it takes.”