Vaughn grimaced, then looked away.
“What aren’t you telling me?” I took a small step toward him. “If you care about me at all, you’ll explain what’s going on. I deserve to know.”
His dark eyes cut back to mine, and they were filled with anguish, but he still didn’t answer.
“Please,” I begged. “Tell me.”
His throat bobbed at the same moment his gaze drifted to the ground. “Enrique misunderstood the reason for my questions. He confessed that he and Alejandro had made a bet to see who could sleep with you first.”
Enrique and Alejandro had?—
No way. They were my friends. I’d known them both for years. They’d never do something so degrading.
I shook my head and wrapped my arms around my stomach. “You’re lying.”
“I wish I were.” Vaughn dragged his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry, Hope. I didn’t want you to find out.”
Then I thought back on the last six months and how I’d become closer with both Enrique and Alejandro. Enrique’s easygoing nature and alluring smile had drawn me more, so our friendship had blossomed. I’d never allowed it to become more for my own reasons, but Enrique hadn’t let that stop him from sending flirty texts and visiting me at Javi’s.
And now, I had to assume that none of his kindness had been genuine. Did Enrique even like me?
“I feel sick.” I closed my eyes and took a steadying breath. When I opened them again, Vaughn was watching me closely. “You must think I’m naive to have been so clueless about them.”
“Hey.” He cupped my jaw, tilting my face up to his. “I don’t think that. Not for one second. They’re assholes, and that has nothing to do with you.”
Determined not to let this bring me down, I hardened my expression. “I’m going to kill them.”
Vaughn tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. “Need some help?”
I laughed bitterly. “You already made Enrique hurt, didn’t you?”
“Like I said, not enough.”
“The blood on the concrete would suggest otherwise.” My nose wrinkled. “Thanks for defending my honor.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I guess that’s my life now. Pity fucks, dares, and bets.” I traced my fingertips over my scars. “It shouldn’t come as such a surprise, but it still hurts when all people see are my scars.”
Vaughn’s jaw tensed, and some emotion I couldn’t place blazed in his eyes. “Come with me.” He grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the house.
I could hardly keep up with his swift, long-legged strides. “Where are we going?”
He didn’t answer. He just led me inside, down the hallway, and through the bathroom door. Then he forced me to face the large mirror.
It was startling to see us together. Vaughn, so tall, dark, and menacing, looming behind me, his tattooed hands immovable on my shoulders. It was like standing in the shadow of a beautiful but terrifying angel of death.
And then there was me. Short, carrying extra pounds, and with a face that gave small children nightmares.
“Look at yourself,” he demanded in a deep tone that brooked no argument. “Tell me what you see.”
I lowered my eyes to the counter and swallowed deeply. “Please don’t make me do this.”
Vaughn clasped my chin and redirected my gaze toward the mirror. “I won’t ask again.” His eyes held mine with an intensity that told me he wouldn’t let me out of this room until I answered him.
Fine. If he really wanted to know what I thought of myself, I’d give it to him. But I’d already had this conversation with Daphne. It’d made her angry because she didn’t understand. Maybe Vaughn would.
I stared at my reflection, summoning the words that felt like a knife through my gut. “I see a failure. I see a coward. I see someone who deserves to look as hideous as I do.”