Page 15 of Scarred Souls

“I live with a doctor. I’ll get her to check it when I get home. You look worse than me.” I gestured to the Coca-Cola mirror behind the bar so he could inspect his wounds.

When he glanced at his reflection, he said, “It’s nothing.” Then he plucked a napkin from the dispenser and wiped blood from beneath his nose.

I grabbed another napkin. “You’ve got some on the back of your neck, too.” When I tried to dab it away, Grim flinched as though I held a razor blade between my fingers.

I drew back. “Easy, big guy. I was just going to clean you up.”

“I can do it.” He snatched the napkin and wiped his neck.

“A little lower.” I pointed to the spot. “There. You got it.”

He tossed the dirty napkin onto the counter.

I curled my hair behind one ear. “I appreciate you stepping in, by the way.”

He shrugged while pressing another napkin to his cut lip. “I had fun.”


When he noticed me looking at him strangely, he added, “I needed to blow off a little steam.” Then he glanced at the quiet, dark street outside the restaurant. “You probably shouldn’t drive home in case I’m wrong about that concussion. Is there someone who can give you a ride?”

Daphne would be in bed. She was still recovering from a recent MS flare-up and needed her rest. I didn’t want to disturb her.

“I’ll get myself home.”

“I’ll take you.”

“No thanks.”

He stared at me as though I were inconveniencing him by refusing his offer. “Are you one of those girls who makes everything difficult?”


“Are you one of those guys who’s always an asshole?”

“Yeah,” he said with such confidence that it took the sting out of my words.

Damn, he was tough to insult.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes because dealing with Grim would’ve given me a headache even if I hadn’t hit my head. “No offense, but I don’t know you, and I don’t feel safe getting in a car with you.”

He folded his arms. “I just saved your ass. Do you really think I’m about to hurt you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. Are you?”

His lips twitched. “Not unless you ask nicely.”

My brow furrowed. “You might be the most confusing person I’ve ever met.”

“Think about it. I had the perfect opportunity to attack you when I first got here, and I could’ve easily thrown you into my truck while you were out cold. And if I’m being completely honest, you’re kind of a pain in the ass, so if this were a kidnapping, I definitely would’ve bound and gagged you by now.”

My face went deadpan. “Your disturbing thought processes aren’t reassuring at all.”

But his logic was sound. How irritating.

“What about a compromise,” Grim offered. “I’ll follow you in my car to make sure you get home safely.”

“That’s really not?—”