“Uh-uh.” Grim was quicker and already had a pair of pistols aimed at their heads. They froze, and Grim added, “If we were going to have a gunfight, all four of you would be dead already. So we’re going to settle this the old-fashioned way—with our fists. And trust me when I say that allows you the only chance of walking out of here alive. Given the circumstances, I feel like I’m being pretty generous.”
Buzz’s hands twitched, and his entire body shook. “You…you just knifed my homie!”
Oh yeah. These losers were new to thug life. The first sign of blood had their bottom lips wobbling.
Grim shrugged, not looking remotely remorseful about his actions. “Yeah. It’s weird. That sort of thing keeps happening around me.” He jerked his chin toward the men. “Here’s what we’re going to do. All of us are going to lay our pistols on the bar, but if even one of you reaches for them while I’m kicking your asses, you’re all dead.”
Big Nose chuckled with amusement. “You think you can take all of us?”
“I’ll even let you use the switchblade you’ve got hidden in your pocket.”
A flash of surprise swept across Big Nose’s features. How could Grim have known about the switchblade? And why would he tell Big Nose he could use it? The overconfident fool!
The wannabes shared a nervous glance, some silent conversation going on between them before they hesitantly laid their weapons on the counter. Shades, who’d sunk to his ass on the floor, moaning pathetically, slid his pistol several feet away.
“Look after these, Gatita. And don’t even think about using them.” Grim placed his pistols on the bar before me. Facing his opponents again, he rolled his shoulders, cracked his knuckles, then let his arms hang loose at his sides. “You”—Grim growled, pointing at Big Nose—“You’ve got one free shot. Make it count.” When a confused Big Nose made no move to strike, Grim pounded his fists against his chest and yelled, “Come on. Hit me. I’m not going to ask again.”
Coming to his senses, Big Nose wound back and lined Grim up with a haymaker.
Grim’s face snapped to the side from the solid punch. He lurched before righting himself. Blood leaked from a gash in his lip, and his tongue darted out to catch it. Had I thought his eyes looked alive a moment ago? Now his pupils were thoroughly blown.
Big Nose shook out his hand, seeming baffled as to how his foe remained standing. But Grim only smiled in that unhinged way of his. With his dark gaze locked on Big Nose, he charged the bulky wannabe, tackled him around the belly, and took him to the ground.
The pair wrestled on the floor. A table toppled to its side. Chairs crashed to the tiles. Big Nose got in a decent shot, but Grim gained the advantage when he maneuvered his opponent into a headlock like something straight out of a UFC bout. Veins bulged at Big Nose’s temples, and his face turned an unsettling shade of purple.
Buzz jumped in to help his friend, landing a hard kick to Grim’s ribs that forced him to release his death grip on Big Nose.
Grim rolled onto his back and clutched his chest, then he?—
Wait. Was Grim laughing? This guy was certifiable.
Should I do something? It didn’t seem like a good idea to start firing off bullets, and there wasn’t time to call for help.
Grim jumped to his feet just in time to square off against both Buzz and the door man. He landed a heavy push kick to the door man’s chest, sending the smaller guy hurtling into a table. He must’ve hit his head on the tiled floor, because he didn’t get up.
Buzz took a swing at Grim, who dodged it and shoved the wannabe against the nearest wall. Grim winded him with a knee to the ribs followed by a series of brutal blows to his face.
Now that he’d caught his breath, Big Nose staggered to his feet.
Shit. He had the switchblade out and ready to use.
Big Nose made his way across the room toward Grim, who had no idea of the trouble approaching. I couldn’t let him get stabbed.
I launched myself over the bar, picked up a chair, and slammed it across Big Nose’s spine. The chair broke apart, and Big Nose roared. He briefly aimed his furious glare at me before deciding Grim posed a bigger problem.
“Back off, Gatita.” Grim panted while still laying into Buzz. “I’ve got this.”
Except he didn’t, because Big Nose was still coming for him with that switchblade.
Plan B quickly formed in my mind. There was no time to overthink it, so I snatched up the splintered leg of the busted chair, ran up behind Big Nose, and staked him in the back, vampire-hunter style.
Oh my God.
What had I done?
Big Nose froze and glanced over his shoulder at the shard of timber protruding from his back. His eyes widened, and as if he were removing a nasty thorn, he yanked the bloody stake from his flesh and dropped it. As soon as it clattered to the tiles, Big Nose’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he slumped to the floor—lights out.
I guessed he didn’t like the sight of his own blood. Or maybe he had an aversion to exceptionally large splinters.