Page 83 of Scarred Souls


“No.” I screwed my face up. “Why would you think that?”

“Because I heard you say you had a special delivery for el Capitán. Something my father would want.”

“And you thought I meant you?” I sighed and dipped my head before meeting her eyes again. “I was talking about rare Cuban cigars. The kind your father is rumored to prefer but hasn’t been able to get for a decade. I located a cache in a stash house, and I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to gain an introduction to senior Pacific Coast Cartel members. That was my in. Not you, all right? I’d never hand you over.”

I understood why overhearing that phone call made her suspicious. I should’ve told her about my involvement with la Mano Roja earlier. Truthfully, I’d been so distracted by Hope that I’d forgotten I was waiting for that call at all. But, Jesus Christ, did she really think I’d give her to our enemy?

“If you’re lying to me, I swear to God I’ll?—”

“I’m not lying to you.” I tightened my hold on her chin and stared into her eyes. Fuck. I really wanted to kiss her again. What was up with that? “I’ve never lied to you. Not once.”

Her bottom lip trembled. “I thought you were going to take me back to him.”

And she’d still kissed me? Hope was crazier than I was.

“No one’s taking you back. If anyone tries, they’ll have to get through me first, and I won’t let that happen.”

“How are you so confident?”

Because I couldn’t breathe if anything happened to you.

“Plenty of people have tried to kill me. Shocking, I know. But I’m still here, and most of them are waiting for me in hell. I might be a fuckup with everything else in my life, but I’m good at staying alive. Now, that protection extends to you.”

She sniffled. “Okay.”

I brushed a lock of hair from her cheek. “I’ll keep you safe. You’re my number-one priority.”

“I am?”

“Yeah.” My gaze roamed her beautiful face, and something constricted in my chest. “You are.”

And it had little to do with this being my job. How had that happened? And in such a short space of time?

“Until your brother replaces you.” Hope’s breath hitched. “Don’t go.”

I hesitated to answer, because I didn’t know what to say. The reasons I wanted to stay were the same reasons I should run in the opposite direction. Whatever was happening between us was more than physical attraction, and that was a problem.

I could do my job, but I couldn’t be the man Hope needed. She deserved so much more than I’d ever be able to give. I’d only disappoint her, hurt her, and leave her wishing she’d never met a screwup like me. Once this job was over, she’d be better off without me.

“I really want you to stay. Just think about it, please?” Hope added when the silence became awkward. “God, I feel like such an idiot. When I overheard your conversation, I panicked.”

“It’s not your fault. I should’ve told you about my dealings with la Mano Roja.”

“I almost hit you over the head with a shovel.” She winced. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize.” Especially not for the part where we’d rolled around in the sand and locked lips like fiends. “Just don’t run away from me again, all right?”

Hope nodded.

“Are we good?”

She gave me a small smile. “We’re good.”

We both tensed at the sound of a vehicle approaching in the distance.

“Are you expecting Daphne back today?” I asked.