“If this puts her life at risk?—”
“Her life is already at risk.” I put the mug on the counter and leaned forward. “The only way she’ll be safe is if we take down Carlos Espinoza and his trusted circle of equally fucked-up associates.”
We both looked toward the backyard where Hope tossed a ball for the big black dog that never seemed to leave her side.
“She’s avoiding me,” I said.
Daphne snorted. “Can you blame her? What you said about her being cartel filth probably cut bone-deep. Hope has spent her life wishing she belonged to any other family but her own. She never wanted to be a part of the cartel. Despite who her father is, that girl has a good heart. Every decent trait that Carlos Espinoza was born without, she has it by the bucketload. Don’t mistake that for weakness. Hope’s strong. Maybe one of the strongest people I’ve ever met.”
Hope put her arms around the dog’s thick neck as though she drew strength from his nearness. A strange ache took root in my chest at her troubled expression. Maybe I’d fucked up by being such an aggressive asshole when I’d arrived. I’d known Brandon should’ve sent someone else.
I pulled the cigarette packet from my pocket. “You mind?”
“I do. This is a drug- and alcohol-free household.”
Which made me wonder, who was the addict?
Daphne’s mouth pulled to the side. “I’ve been clean for over twelve years.”
“What’s your poison?”
“Prescription opioids. Made a bunch of dumb decisions and my little habit got my medical license pulled. Never planned on treating humans again until I got here and the locals were desperate.” She nodded toward Hope. “That girl is a godsend. I’m a solitary creature, but even I get lonely sometimes. Having her to talk to when the temptation to relapse rears its ugly head has saved me more than once.” Her gaze shifted outside again. “Speak of the devil. I think she’s ready for you.”
Vaughn wasn’t the grim reaper. He was the goddamn harbinger of doom.
And that strange somersaulting feeling in my stomach whenever he was around? Maybe it wasn’t attraction after all. Maybe it was my body’s way of telling me that this man was going to ruin me and throw my world into chaos.
My life had been just fine until he’d appeared. I wished he’d never shown up at the restaurant at all.
But then the wannabes would’ve been yours to deal with, and how would that have ended?
The unfortunate truth? None of this was Vaughn’s fault. He just happened to be the manifestation of every problem I’d been avoiding since regaining consciousness in Playa de la Palmera. Deep down, I’d known the day would come when someone found me. I should be glad it was Grim and not one of my father’s men. The enemy of my enemy was my friend, right?
But Vaughn wasn’t my friend. Now that he knew who I really was, he saw me as any sane person would. With distrust, revulsion, and loathing. And it hurt. It really fucking hurt, although I couldn’t blame him for feeling that way after the hideous crimes my father and his organization had committed. It would take time for him to realize I was nothing like Carlos Espinoza.
Except in some ways, I was my father’s daughter. I had a short temper and didn’t take kindly to disrespect. And when push came to shove, I’d do whatever it took to defend myself and those I cared about.
I looked into Titan’s warm brown eyes. “I might need your help to get through this. FYI, you have my permission to bite his balls if he gets mean, all right?” Why was I so nervous about going inside? I wasn’t a coward. I was ready to face Grim and whatever questions he had. “He’s not even that good-looking. Is he?” When Titan only stared at me with his tongue lolling from the side of his mouth, I scratched behind his ear. “Fine. Maybe he is. But he’s also bossy, rude, and arrogant as hell. A handsome face, big muscles, and sexy tattoos don’t excuse that.” I gave my dog a stern look. “And I noticed how friendly you were when he turned up. Can you at least pretend you don’t like him until we’re sure his intentions are good?”
With no reassurance from Titan that he’d agreed to my plan, we headed inside.
The sight of Vaughn sitting at the breakfast bar made my heart beat faster, and not only because of the impending interrogation. He watched me approach, looking wickedly sinful, like a dark fallen angel. One who’d been kicked out of heaven for seducing the she-angels and getting into fights with his brothers and had then been sent to Earth to torment me.
Why? Why of all the men I’d encountered since arriving in Playa de la Palmera did he have to be the one to make me feel something? He had so many red flags you could turn them into a banner that stretched from here to the moon.
The truth was hard to ignore. Even though I’d turned my back on my roots, something inside me craved the thrill of danger. And Vaughn offered that in spades.
Even Titan couldn’t resist him. He’d ignored my instructions, going straight to Grim as though they were already old pals.
I folded my arms. “You like dogs?”
Vaughn massaged Titan’s neck. “I like animals more than people.”
An opinion Daphne shared. What had those two talked about while I’d been outside? There’d been no yelling or shots fired, and given Daphne’s relaxed manner, I assumed the pair had spoken civilly.