Sawyer scrunched up his nose. “That could be triggering.”
My heart pinched at the reminder. I hadn’t thought about that, but he was right. It had been guns that had changed Lincoln and Sawyer’s lives.
The plan was still solid. And it was a good idea. “I’ll discuss it with Lincoln, if you are okay with it.” I licked my lips and met his gaze. “It could also trigger for your father, too.”
He puffed out his cheeks. “You’re not wrong.”
I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “But I won’t do anything if it affects you or Lincoln. We can come up with another way.”
Sawyer rubbed his jaw. “It might be the best idea we have. I don’t think we should take it off the table. So long as Lincoln‘s not bothered by it.”
I laid my head on his shoulder. “I’ll talk to him about it when he gets back from working on the rebuilds. Unless you’ll be here too, and we can talk to him together.”
I blinked up at him pleadingly.
He tilted his head and kissed my lips, sending heat radiating through me. “I wish I could stay. But like I said Fiona has been following me everywhere. I probably have been gone too long now.”
He gave me one last lingering kiss and then disappeared, leaving me reaching for air. I flopped back on my bed and held my belly.
The gnawing ache in my stomach was back. I didn’t know exactly what was going to happen but something bad was in the air, and I was pretty sure that it would have something to do with Fiona.
We had to get Sawyer out of there before it was too late.
We had to be faster. The plan that Sloane had to sneak onto the property and make it to the main pack house without being detected required speed and stealth. She was fast, but even I didn’t think she would be quick enough. Not to go undetected.
She leapt over a log and landed in a squat before hopping up and turning to watch as I raced, or rather stumbled across the finish line. I’d always thought I was in great shape until I’d started racing her.
I doubled over, putting my hands on my knees while gulping in deep breaths.
Sloane put her hand on my back, rubbing. “You should stand up and put your arms behind your head, take deep breaths. In through your nose and out through your mouth.”
I huffed out a strangled laugh that only made me more winded. But I did as she said. I laced my fingers at the back of my neck and inhaled, letting it out slowly.
She looked at her watch and groaned, shaking her head.
I craned my head, trying to see the watch face. “What was your time?”
Her shoulders slumped as she exhaled loudly. “Four minutes.”
I was right it wasn’t good enough. The idea was to come up along the back of the property around the rock faces, because it was less guarded. If we couldn’t get it fast enough on flat ground, there was no way we would get there on uneven terrain.
She wiped a hand over her brow. “I’m beginning to think we’re going to need to come up with a new plan. If I can’t do it in four minutes...” She puffed out her cheeks and let out a long breath. “I’ll never do it in three and I’m the fastest person. I still need to shave a whole minute off.”
I let my arms fall to my side and rolled my shoulders back, stretching. “And I was a good twenty or so seconds behind you.” We didn’t have months to train. We had a week, maybe two. And if Sloane and I couldn’t do it, enough enforcers couldn’t either.
She lifted her leg up and grabbed the toe, stretching it behind her. “Maybe...maybe we just don’t care that he knows that we’re there. I know we lose the element of surprise but we don’t have enough time for everyone to get there in three minutes. I’m not even sure if it’s possible.”
I wasn’t sure if it was either. “Sawyer will be there with his people. I think the gunshots are the best idea. It will let everyone know what is happening.”
“No.” She shook her head adamantly as she held up a hand.
She grasped my hands and then slid her fingers up my arms until she pulled me into a hug. “I shouldn’t have suggested that. I’m not going to do anything that’s going to upset you. I know you don’t like guns. I should’ve never even thought of it. It was inconsiderate of me.”
I closed my eyes. Everything about them set my nerves on edge and made my skin crawl. But at the end of the day, I was pretty sure that I could handle the crackle of gunfire and not lose my cool. My dad on the other hand, I wasn’t so sure of, especially since he wouldn’t have any warning it was happening.