Page 78 of Wolf Crowned

Sawyer coughed as he sat up. “It doesn’t have to end this way, Dad. It doesn’t have to be life or death. Maybe we can still work something out.”

He arched a brow at Sawyer. “Who said it’s ending, son. It’s only just beginning. Maybe I won’t be here to see it through, but Pack Wolf Blood will go on and we will rule every single pack in the world. Just wait.”

I shook my head. He was truly delusional. “That’s never going to happen. You can’t control people. They have to have free will.”

He snickered. “That’s where you’re wrong. Wolves crave their alphas command and attention. They need it.”

I almost felt sad for him, but he’d become so deluded that this was what he actually thought. “Freedom and the right to choose who to love. That’s what we crave. I’m sorry that you lost sight of that.”

Alpha Dane clapped his hands slowly. “When I realized my sons turned against me, my thought process changed. I gave Drake very specific instructions to which he is already carrying out.” A sickening smile split his face. “I have one last trick up my sleeve.”

Before I could even process his words or ask what he meant. An explosion rocked the ground hard enough to make it shake. I stumbled, fighting to keep my balance.

A scream lodged in my throat as the house erupted in flames. Bits of brick and mortar sailed through the air. Pieces of it hit that wretched statue, knocking the alpha wolf off.

A weight pressed against my chest. Tears pricked my eyes and I couldn’t take my gaze off the inferno.

Oh no. Please. Please, no.

My heart lurched. The world spun. “Brandon.“ I hollered my brother’s name repeatedly until my throat was hoarse.

Alpha Dane laughed manically. “Any hopes you had at framing me are now burned to a crisp along with anyone that you might’ve put in the house to try to incriminate me.”

Lincoln snarled viciously and attacked. He drove his father to the ground, snapping and scratching.

Lincoln got his mouth around his father‘s throat and bit down. Blood gushed between his teeth, oozing out of his mouth. Alpha Dane made a few wheezing sounds. His eyes went wide, and then he fell still.

I dropped to my knees. Tears streamed down my face. The world around me spun.

Brandon. He was dead. I’d sent him to his death. I hugged myself as I pitched forward.

Please, Luna. Please.

Howls erupted, drawing my attention to the fighting.

We were out numbering Pack Wolf Blood now. Men and wolves were dropping to their knees in a show of surrender. The battle was ours.

But at what cost?



Once both packs realized Alpha Dane was dead, the fighting ended quickly. Those that didn’t surrender met a quick death as their own comrades turned on them.

The fighting was over. We’d won. I should be happy, but all I could think about was Brandon and everyone else that wouldn’t be coming home.

Had we really won at all?

I walked numbly through the grass. Instead of green, it was painted red. Bodies were strewn across the landscape. Some were friendly other's enemies. All of their faces were twisted in horror.

I wrapped my arms around my middle as I limped toward what was left of the house. The heat of the flames warmed the frosty air.

I drew in a shuddering breath. The two-story house was leveled. Anyone that had been inside when it went up was gone.

I sniffled as tears blurred my vision. I’d lost another brother. And I was going to have to tell my mom that she lost another son.

I covered my mouth to stifle my sob. Oh Brandon. You were so brave up until the end.