Page 75 of Wolf Crowned

This was it. He was coming for me. But where was Lincoln? He’d given the signal at some point, but what had happened to him after that?

I pumped my fists at my sides, reaching out for him with our connection. He was alive. I could breathe again.

But he was panicked. I feel him screaming at me. My pulse pounded in my ears.

I snapped my attention to Alpha Dane.

He jabbed an accusatory finger at me as he marched closer. “You!”

I shifted my feet, staying light on my toes.

His nostrils flared as his eyes narrowed. “This is all your fault. I should have just killed you. You’ve brought me nothing but trouble.”

I dropped into a fighting stance.

He pulled up short and threw his head back, cackling. “You think you can fight me, girl?”

I lifted my fists, so they were in front of my face, and arched a brow. “I know I can.”

Sawyer and Lincoln weren’t here to help me now. I was on my own. But damn it all to hell, I wanted to put this bastard in his place once and for all.

He put a hand on his stomach and laughed harder. “Foolish girl.”

I gritted my teeth. “Does it make you feel better to look down on everyone?”

He sobered, his lip curling up. “I’m the alpha. It’s my right to look down on everyone.”

A laugh bubbled up my throat and escaped before I could stop it. Did he know how ridiculous that was?

I shook my head. “I think you are confused about what an alpha is supposed to be. An alpha is nothing without the pack’s respect.”

He motioned to the fighting around us. “You think my men are out there dying and don’t respect me?”

I held his gaze. “There is a fine line between respect and fear. I’m afraid you have the two confused.”

He chuckled. “I do like your spirit, Sloane.” He flicked his wrist and shifted his gaze a moment to the grounds. “You are going to lose, though. My men from the other packs are already on their way back. They will be here soon. And this will all be over.” A sickening smile lit his face.

I gulped. Was he bluffing? Were they really on their way back?

Keep him talking. “I think you underestimate what we are fighting for.”

He glanced out at the fighting again. “It’s a noble cause, I suppose.” He fixed his attention back on me and took another step forward. “I’ll give you one last chance, Sloane.” He lifted his brows. “Surrender now. No one else has to die today. Our packs can merge and you submit fully to me as your alpha.”

“Never!” I cracked my knuckles. “I’ll never submit to you. Ever.”

He laughed again, and boy would I’d give anything to wipe that smirk right off his face.

Sawyer’s essence surrounded me as he spoke. Soon. Bide your time. I’m coming.

I faltered. Sawyer? Where are you? You’re supposed to be leaving.

Don’t be mad at Willa. She tried to get me to leave. I took the adrenaline and am almost to you and Lincoln. Hang tight.

Oh Luna, no. He was too sick to fight. He could be killed. I sucked in a shuddering breath.

Alpha Dane took another step forward, drawing my attention back to him, his sneer intensifying. “I know that look. It’s the look my boys get when they are communicating with each other.”

He lurched forward, grabbing my wrist and wrenching it to the side.