I grunted and tried to roll over but hit something, or rather someone. I peeked my eyes open and could only make out a figure. It was a female. But who?
What if it was Fiona, and she’d come back to finish her handy work? I jerked back.
The woman put a hand on my shoulder, gripping it gently. “Sawyer, it’s okay. Stay calm. I’m here to help you.”
I knew that voice. I’d heard it before. And it wasn’t that snake Fiona. But who was it?
I blinked rapidly. Everything was a blur and fuzzy. Yet the woman looming over me was familiar and not a threat. Liquid dripped over me, bring me further out of my slumber. The coolness was a nice contrast to the burning heat raging through my chest. It brought me some clarity.
The woman smoothed more of whatever it was over my chest. “Good, you’re waking up. Try not to move. I need you to stay still so I can see get you cleaned up.”
The voice was clearer now. I fought to place it.
I squinted, her face finally coming into view. “Willa?” I heaved out a breath and closed my eyes for a moment. If it wasn’t Sloane, Willa was the next best thing.
She smoothed some more of that wonderful goopy coldness over me. “Yeah it’s me. Stay still for me, okay?”
I stared up at her. “Are you really here? I’m not imaging this, right?”
Willa was a nice girl, but why would I be dreaming about her? This had to be real. And if she was really here...I shifted, pushing up to my elbows. Or at least I tried to. Pain exploded through my body and the dizzying darkness clouded me.
Willa pushed on my shoulders. “Don’t try to move yet. I’m still putting the salve on your wounds. It should help with the infection. You should feel the effects soon.”
I didn’t think I could move again right now even if I wanted to. I replayed her words in my head. Just her? How in the world was she going to get both of us out of here? She was just a slip of a thing. And pregnant. And injured too.
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I coughed and cleared my throat. “Lincoln? Sloane?”
She spread more of the salve across my body. She was right. It did feel good, and I was already regaining clarity as the inferno in my chest began to simmer.
She smeared more of the goo over my torso. “They are here. They’re going after your father and the rest of the pack. I’m here to get you cleaned up and make sure that you get out. Once you think you can move, we are going to make for the cars and head back home.”
Home. That sounded so nice. Back to Sloane and Lincoln, where we would never be separated again. Except they were staying here to fight. I couldn’t leave them.
I opened my eyes. Her word hitting me like a punch to the chest. The air whooshed out of my lungs, causing me to sputter. “The fight is happening now?”
Willa frowned and gave me a simple nod. “I’ve only been in here a few minutes. I can’t hear the gunfire anymore. It must be far away from us at this point.”
I should be there helping them. This was my fight, too. I wanted to see it through to the end.
I ground my teeth, fighting against the liquid heat coursing through my body as I pushed up to my elbows. “I need to get out there. Help me up.”
Willa held her hand up. It was covered with a gooey lime green substance. “I’m not even sure you can walk. You’re not going to be any help to them. I’m sorry, Sawyer. You’re going to have to sit this one out with me.”
Her lips turned down in a frown and she mumbled something under her breath that made me think she was a little bitter about being stuck in the cave with me, too.
My arms shook. I couldn’t hold myself up any longer and collapsed back to the floor. “Do you know what’s happening out there? Are we winning?”
She rubbed more of the blessed wonderful gel on me. “Only the bits and pieces I can get from Jacob. I’m pretty sure the fighting has started. He’s alive, but I am sorry. I don’t know about anyone else.”
I pulled on the teether that connected me to Sloane and Lincoln. They were okay too. For now. I still wanted to be there with them, fighting along side them so we could see this through together.
I sucked in slow, deep breaths as my mind raced over how I could get out there to help.
Willa grabbed a washcloth from a bag sitting next to her and wiped her hands off. “How are you feeling now? The color looks like it’s coming back to your cheeks. I think that’s a good sign.”
She set the rag in the bag and narrowed her eyes as she studied me.
I closed my eyes for a moment. I wasn’t as hot. The inferno in my chest was more like a smoldering campfire. My vision had cleared too, and the ringing in my ears was gone.