No, you’re not! You can do this. You’ve brought us this far.
I gritted my teeth as I repeated the words in my head like a mantra. We were here because of my actions and quick thinking. And I had to lead one last time. I snapped my attention back to the pack.
Everyones eyes were on me as I stomped up the hill.
The men and women had formed two lines on both sides of me so I could walk in between them. They were lined up like soldiers ready to follow me into battle.
A cold chill zipped down my spine as I tried to meet everyone’s gaze as I walked past. Not everyone was going to make it. For some, this would be their last few moments, and there was nothing I could do to warn them, or ease their pain. I could only hope that we would be victorious.
I drew a sharp breath in and let it out. I walked to the end of the line and then back, stopping in the middle so that everyone could hear.
My pulse raced. I jammed my hands into my jacket pockets so no one could see them twitching.
I glanced out at the pack. “I appreciate every single one of you that came out here to help today.” I shifted my gaze up and down the line. “We come here together as various packs for one purpose...To ensure freedom for all.”
I licked my lips and pumped my hands inside my pockets. “These next few hours are going to be difficult. Probably some of the most trying of our entire lives for most of us. What we do here today shapes how packs will live. We are fighting not only for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren.”
I looked up and down the lines, meeting everyone’s gaze again. Some of them looked unsure. Others had wide eyes and slack jaws looking like they might run for the hills at any second. A few looked ready. Their jaws set and eyes narrowed like they were ready to take on the world. I needed all of them to be in that state of mind.
I stood up straighter. “We’ve worked hard for this. Watch out for your friends, for your brothers and sisters, for your fellow wolves. Pack Wolf Blood will be fierce and mighty. They won’t back down unless we make them. We can win this battle, but we must do it together.”
Dad always made speeches look so easy. And here I was, pulling this one on my butt. It was time to rally the troops. “Today isn’t going to be easy, but together we are going to bring Pack Wolf Blood to their knees and liberate our friends and family that have been unjustly imprisoned.” I took my right hand out of my pocket, fisted it and punched the air over my head. “It’s time to show Alpha Dane and his me that he has no control over us. That he will never control us.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Are you with me?”
A rumble of yeses and alpha chorused through the group. The crowd shifted, and so did the energy around them. They clapped their hands and fist bumped the air too, growing more confident by the second.
I bowed my head. “Good. As soon as the signal happens, we wait sixty seconds and then we move forward as fast as we can. Everyone has their assignments and knows what to do. The third group, you know where to be and wait for your signal.” I motioned between Lincoln and me. “Lincoln or I will be the one to give it. When one of us shifts, you come in fast and hot. Be safe everyone, and we will meet again at the rendezvous point.”
I turned to Brandon who had his cell phone in his hand. “Is Sheriff Adam ready?”
Brandon held his finger over the keypad on his phone, his eyes wide. “He’s in position and ready when we are.”
I gulped and drew in a steadying breath. “Tell him to send the first signal.”
Brandon mashed his finger over the button.
I held my breath and counted in my head. One. Two. Three. Four.
A loud crack ripped through air, making me jump. My heart lurched into my throat. This was it. We were really doing this.
Gunfire erupted in quick succession to the south. I counted in my head to sixty.
Brandon glanced up at me as he jammed his hand back in his pocket. “Sheriff Adam said he sees movement coming his way. Lots of it. We are good to go.”
Dear Luna, please keep us safe.
I pointed to the tree line. “Everyone move out.”
Icy fingers trailed across my torso and chest. I shivered as cold chills zipped down my spine, sending gooseflesh all over my body, and making my hairs prickle.
A soft voice said my name repeatedly. It wasn’t Sloane. The voice was huskier. The scent was off too. It was more of a honey smell. Yet there was something familiar about it.
I flinched as frigid liquid trickled over me. It was freezing, but soothing at the same time, sending tingles rippling over my chest.