A wave of emotions crossed over his face. His jaw went slack, and he blinked a few times. The forlorn expression shifted as red tinged his cheeks. He gritted his teeth and growled so loud I swore the entire house shook.
He charged me. I ducked to the right, but not fast enough to miss the first attack. He was much faster than a man his age should be. He dove for me again. This time catching my arm and dragging me to the floor.
I landed with a thump, hard enough to knock the air out of my lungs, leaving me gasping. He pressed his arm against my throat and snarled. Spittle splatted against my face.
He was going to kill me.
I drew in a breath and let it out, letting my training kick in. I brought my free arm up and threw a punch, hitting him in the jaw, then lifted my hips, throwing him to the side.
He scrambled across the floor, grasping for purchase, a look of shock on his face.
Yeah, Dad, I can take care of myself and I’m not afraid of you.
Only afraid of what you intend to do.
His surprise didn’t last long. Dad was on me again in an instant, pinning me beneath him. He swiped his claw and then the other as he attacked. I jerked to the side, but not fast enough. His nails sliced into my shoulder.
I wiggled my knee, lifting it up and hitting him in the gut. I rolled, so I was on top. I threw a punch, hitting him in the jaw, but my triumph was short-lived.
Drake hit me from behind, sending me pitching forward just as my dad clobbered me with his fist. Drake wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up and throwing me to the side. My upper body collided with the bed, shoving it to the side with my momentum. I scrambled to catch myself but couldn’t and ended up in a heap on the floor, jarring my elbow.
Drake didn’t give me a chance to get to my feet. He threw a couple of punches that I blocked with my forearm. Pain ricocheted up my arms, sending tendrils of heat through my wrists. I kept my arms in front of my face, protecting it as best I could, waiting for the opportunity to strike.
Drake reeled back and laughed like he’d beaten me.
I jerked my knee up and into his groin. He pitched forward. I caught him by the shoulders, lifted my hips and rolled. I jerked him up and then slammed him to the floor, hard enough his head bounced.
Fiona shrieked. I’d almost forgotten about her.
Something cold splashed my face and chest. It burned my skin. I cried out as the cool liquid turned to molten lava against my flesh. Wolfsbane.
Fiona held a pitcher and jumped up and down like a giddy cheerleader. I shuffled backwards. Everywhere the water touched was on fire. My vision blurred. I could hardly see.
The wolfsbane worked through my system. I wouldn’t be able to shift and they could.
I had to get out of here. Fast.
The window. I grabbed the comforter and tossed it at Drake. He slipped on the edge and tripped, falling to his knees. I scrambled across the floor, tripping over my feet so I was crawling more than anything. I grabbed the ledge and hauled myself up, punching the glass.
The shards ripped my hand as it went through the window. Blood dribbled out of the wounds, falling in droplets on the ledge.
I shoved the window the rest of the way open and rolled out. The roof was sloped on this side of the house. I couldn’t catch my footing. I tumbled across the shingles.
I tried to stop myself, but it was no use. There was nothing to grab. I flinched, grunting as I toppled over the ledge.
I flailed, swinging my arms and legs wildly as I ungracefully plunged twenty feet to the ground. I hit with a thump. The air whooshed out of my lungs. Everything burned. I was on fire.
I couldn’t move. My limbs weighed a million pounds, leaving me paralyzed. Had I broken something? My back?
It’s the wolfsbane. It’s in your bloodstream, and it’s making everything worse than it is.
At least that’s what I hoped it was.
Breathe. Focus. It’s going to be okay.
I stared at the sky through the canopy of the trees. The moon shone brightly, like a beacon. Almost a full moon. It was breathtaking.