She flung her arm in my direction. “I just want to make sure that you aren’t trading me off to some other sleaze bag. How do you know we can really trust him, Luke?” Her voice was like venom.
Luke’s nostrils flared as he narrowed his eyes at me.
I held up my hands. “Hey, I’m not interested in that. I promise. I...” I almost told them I’d already found my mate, but didn’t. I would never put Lincoln and Sloane in that kind of danger. I was one thing, but I had to protect them.
I ran a hand through my hair and let out a breath. “I know you have lost everything. I’m here on good faith asking for your help. Just having this conversation puts me in incredible danger.”
I swallowed down the lump in my throat at having admitted that out loud.
Ruby tossed her strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder and huffed as she stood up. She marched up to me. “I’m not anyone’s prize. And if you do try anything, I’ll make sure you pay.”
“I know.”
Sloane and she would get along well. I hoped they got to meet one day soon.
Some of the heat left her eyes, and she sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.
Luke put his hand on his sister’s shoulder. “What do you need us to do?”
The weight of the world lifted off my shoulders, if only for a moment. “Talk to the others that are here. Spread the word that help is coming and when we get the signal, it will be time to attack.”
Ruby tapped her foot on the ground. “What’s the signal?”
I shook my head. I trusted Luke and Ruby to an extent. It was the others I wasn’t sure of. “You’ll know it when you hear it. Trust me.”
I’d tell Sloane they should fire multiple shots in succession, so there were no misunderstandings. “That’s when you will know to attack the guards on duty outside and then join the rest of the fighting.”
Luke shared a look with his sister. “That’s it. That’s all you’re going to give me.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “The less you know the better. I don’t want to make you a target. Or Ruby. Just pass the word around that help is coming and to be ready. It could be anytime in the next few weeks.” I opened and shut my mouth. “If you could leave my name out of it. My father is already suspicious. And tell everyone to keep quiet and only share this with those we trust.”
The last thing I needed was some idiot thinking they could get a leg up by turning me in.
Ruby huffed and arched her brow. “Why? What are you afraid of?”
I let out a hollow laugh. “That my dad will find out. Being his son won’t protect me. He will kill me if he knows I betrayed him.”
Luke gave his sister a shake. “I believe him. He’s got just as much on the line as we do.”
Ruby licked her lips and looked away. “Fine. If you think we can trust him.” She marched back to the bed and plopped down.
Luke shook his head and looked down at the worn floorboards. “I don’t think we have much else of a choice.”
And neither did I. “I’ll get you more details if I can. And I’ll tell Drake Ruby is off limits from his advances.”
She shuddered and hugged herself. “Thank you.”
Luke clapped me on the shoulder. “I appreciate it. Most of the guys in here aren’t happy about what has been happening. We’re prisoners for a reason.”
I gritted my teeth. “I know. Keep your eyes peeled and be careful who you trust.”
Luke exhaled loudly. “Yeah. You do the same.”
I was already sleeping with one eye open. “We’ll talk again as soon as I can make it back out here.”
I appraised them one last time before slipping out of the room and into the hallway. My heart pounded in my chest as my footfalls thumped against the floorboards.
I was trusting the Brightens with my life. They were the first people outside of Sloane and Lincoln to know where my true loyalties lay. I hoped my trust wasn’t misplaced.