She made a dramatic effort of sniffing the air while lifting her chin. “See! Come smell him. He smells like a woman, but not like that girl.”
Shit, did I smell like Sloane? I wasn’t sure how it worked. I was there with Lincoln and Sloane, but not physically. I couldn’t smell like them. But what if I did?
My mind ran rampant, thinking of all the scenarios.
No I couldn’t have their scents on me. I’d been here in my bed. But we’d been intimate, touching, about as real as you could get.
I had to play my cards carefully.
My dad rolled his eyes and held his hands out and laughed. “Son, are you hiding a woman in here? Should I lift up the bedspread and check under the bed for her?”
I chuckled. Humor was a good sign. “There’s no girl in here, Dad. I promise. And if there was, why would I hide her from you?”
Fiona threw her arms out to the sides and let them clap against her thighs. “But he smells like one. And not Ruby.” She jabbed her finger in my direction. “Smell him, Drake. Tell Alpha it’s not Ruby.”
I shrugged my shoulders and arched a brow, inviting Drake to come sniff me if he desired. My hope was he wouldn’t and find this whole thing with Fiona bizarre. She was a jealous girl throwing a tantrum. Because if I did smell like Sloane, I was in trouble.
Drake shifted his feet but didn’t move.
I waited another moment and when no one made a move; I turned my attention back to Fiona. “I’m around a lot of people, Fiona. I’m not sure what you smell, but it could be anyone.”
I pointed toward the door. “Not to be rude, but if there’s really nothing you guys needed, I was kind of sleeping before someone obnoxiously woke me up.” I narrowed my eyes at Fiona.
Fiona being in here wasn’t an accident. My door had a lock and Dad and I were the only ones able to get in. Dad had let her in. He must doubt me at least a little bit.
No one moved, which sent my adrenaline spiking through the roof. My heart thumped in my chest, and I worried it was so loud everyone could hear it.
Fiona stomped her foot on the floor again. The pictures on my nightstand rattled. “Drake!”
Drake’s brows knitted together and his nostrils flared as he exhaled loudly. “Ruby has a birthmark. Where is it?”
I frowned and narrowed my eyes. “How do you know Ruby has a birthmark? She’s with me, not you. You shouldn’t be looking at her like that.”
Had he seen her? Did she have a birthmark? How would he know?
Luna, was he creeping on the women? I pumped my fists at my side. If he was, I was putting an end to that.
Maybe this was a trap. Maybe she didn’t have a birthmark, and how was I to know?
Drake stood straight and inched forward, a smug look on his face. “Oh she has one all right, and I want you to tell me where it is.”
Dad pursed his lips. “Drake, how would you know if she has one? She’s not yours to touch.” He pumped his fists at his sides. “I gave you explicit instructions to leave Ruby alone.”
Drake cleared his throat, glancing away as crimson scorched over his cheeks. “Before I found out about Sawyer...ahem...I peeked in the bathroom a few times.”
What a disgusting jerk. “You son of a bitch! Are you serious? They might be prisoners, but they still have rights and are allowed some privacy. They don’t need you peeping in on them.”
Luna, how many women had he snuck a peek on? This was the kind of man my dad wanted in our pack? He’d gone completely bonkers. Maybe I should’ve convinced Sloane to move up the timeline. The sooner we liberated everyone the better.
Fiona picked up the sheets and put them to her face.“I’m telling you, Alpha, it smells like a woman in here. And it’s not Ruby.” Her top lip curled up like she was trying to smile, but it just made it look like sneer. “I know what that little bitch smells like.”
Had she done something to Ruby? Cold dread washed over me. My hand fell to my stomach as it began to cramp. This was my fault. We needed them, but I might’ve just signed both the siblings' death sentence by asking for their help. Luke was already dead.
Luna keep Ruby safe. This isn’t her fault.
Focus. Breathe. Dad is watching you!
I forced out a laugh. “I mean, look under my bed if you want. There is nobody else here.”