The world hummed as my brother connected with me. They were all mentioned by the wolves we brought back. Some of them came up more than once, and we questioned them separately. It could be a trap. But it might not be. Up to you to decide if it’s worth the risk since you have decided that you have to stay there.
His words cut deep. Didn’t they understand that this was for them? Our best chance to win was to dismantle my dad’s pack while growing Sloane’s pack the right way.
I dragged a hand through my hair. I thought you, of all people, would understand why I came back. You and Sloane won’t be in danger until Father is neutralized.
Lincoln tossed his arms in the air and shook his head as he marched toward me only stopping when he was in my face. At what cost, Sawyer? Your life? That’s what’s going to happen.
I sensed Fiona before I heard her. I jammed the phone back into my pocket and tried to push Lincoln out of my mind.
“There you are! I heard you were back.” Her voice sounded like nails grating down a chalkboard.
I plastered a smile on my face as I turned around. “Hey, Fiona.”
She marched toward me, pushing her chest out like she was trying to make her boobs appear larger. “Are you going for a run? Maybe I could give you some company.”
Lincoln stood beside me. Who the hell is that?
I did my best to ignore Lincoln, but it wasn’t easy when I could literally feel him breathing down my neck. Anger rolled off him in waves.
She skimmed her finger down my arm as she waggled her eyebrows.
I took a step back before I could think better of it, which made her pout. Now that I had Dad’s blessing, I could let her down. Lincoln was also watching, and I could feel his rage bubbling higher with every second.
“I’ve been doing some thinking, Fiona. I’m not sure this is going to work between us.”
Her brows drew together, and she crossed her arms over her chest. “Why not?” Her voice turned harsh and cold.
I glanced away and put my hands on my hips. It was probably best to just come out with it rather than beat around the bush. “I just don’t feel a connection to you.”
She closed the distance between us and put her hand over my heart. “You haven’t tried. Give me a chance, handsome. I guarantee I’ll rock your world. I’ll be a good wolf and give you a few pups, too.”
I put my hand on her wrist and plucked it away. “Fiona, it’s nothing personal. I just don’t think we fit together. Not like that. I’m so sorry.”
She smiled and tried to sidle up to me again as she batted her eyes. “Give me a chance, Sawyer. I promise you won’t regret it.”
I pushed her hand away and put distance between us. “I’m sorry. It’s not happening, Fiona.”
Red tinged her cheeks, and she stamped her foot on the ground. “Mikey was right about you. You’re weak!” She narrowed her eyes. “You’ll be sorry you didn’t choose me. That’s a promise.”
I turned back to look at my brother, his gaze focused on the ground.
“So, this is what you’ve been keeping from us,” he said.
Then he disappeared.
I plopped down on the bed and stared at my hands as the gravity of what I’d just seen weighed on me.
That girl threw herself at Sawyer. I didn’t think anything of note had happened between them. Sawyer wouldn’t let it, but that Fiona girl had no right to him. My relationship with my brother wasn’t physical like the one we shared with Sloane, but the three of us did have a connection.
Sloane would be upset. Sawyer and I belonged to her. She was the only woman who should be touching us. Not some bimbo my father thought was worthy.
Speaking of Sloane, the bedroom door creaked open. The moment she saw me, her eyes widened, and her face paled.
“What is it? Is it Sawyer? Did something happen?” She shut the door, hurried to me, and grasped both my hands as she kneeled in front of me.