My wolves took off, and Jax walked over and personally checked on his. I stayed on the sidelines as the audience dispersed. He spoke to each one in a low voice, and one-by-one, they got up and raced away. When we were alone, I raised my chin. “Each and every one of them fought well.”

“They did. They were fought the way that they were trained. Are you worried that I would punish them?” He shook his head. “That’s not my style.”

Then he was better than the majority of the alphas I had to deal with. “Are you going to be a man of your word?”

“I was always planning on helping you, Rhyson. I did not expect my wolves to win this fight. I wanted to see how you would react. I’ve been watching you from the moment I realized what you are. A king who can force his will on others but doesn’t deserves my respect, and I intend to give it.”

I drew myself up to my full height. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Worried I’ll tell your secret? You should. I know wolves even within my pack who would kill on you sight.”



I had dinner with Anna and went up to my room, exhausted. It was empty, and I was grateful. Since discovering what was wrong with me, I hadn’t had time to myself to think or process. Now that it was all hitting me, I just wanted to curl up in a fetal position and cry.

My wolf and I would never have a connection or form a bond. I’d never have a chance at a mating bond. I’d never be able to truly rely on an alpha.

Only one of those things bothered me. I was never going to find my mate, and I didn’t give a fuck about bonding with an alpha. As far as I was concerned, too many of them were assholes.

Jax might be an exception. I couldn’t help but notice the one fair and kind alpha I found was in the middle of a rogue-infested and wild magic mountain. An alpha who bowed to no king. Oh, the irony.

I cradled my hand on my belly. Had I conceived a child who would carry my curse? A babe who would never connect to their wolf?

The door opened, and I stayed on the floor. Rhyson looked down at me and frowned. “Are you injured?”


“Then why are you on the floor?”

“Because I can be. Does that bother you?”

Shutting the door behind him, he crossed the room and stared out the window. In the darkness, a crescent moon cut through the night. “The alpha knows who I am.”

“It was naive of you to think that nobody would recognize your power. Are you going to kill him?”

“No. I’m going to trust him.”

“How novel of you,” I said with some disgust as I got up. “Trusting someone.”

He caught my arm before I could walk by him. “I made an error with you.”

Shocked, I turned to him. “Excuse me? I think my ears just filled up with blood. I’m pretty sure I did not hear you correctly.”

“Your father is in a position to spread lies about you, and in turn, those who listen continue to spread them. I should not have been so quick to believe them. I should have trusted my own instincts.”

“You have an instinct about me?”

Drawing me closer, he reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I don’t normally fuck women who get naked in my hotel room and ask for it.”

“You still don’t believe you’re the father, though. You made that clear.” I tried to pull away, but he just turned me and circled his arm around my waist, pulling me up against his body.

“I asked from fear, Maya. I have made so many mistakes when it comes to you. So many wrong assumptions, and now you are in more danger than you perhaps have ever been before.”

His gentle voice tickled my ear, and I closed my eyes and fought the urge to lean against him. How could I trust him after everything that had happened? “You couldn’t be more wrong. If my father finds out that he’s the grandsire to the king’s child, he’ll have me killed after birth. He’ll raise that child to be just like him.”

Rhyson’s arms tightened around me. “I won’t let that happen.”