
I had no idea what that name meant. Even after the mountains were exiled, the king at the time had kept spies in place, but that was three kings ago. Slowly, the new kings cared less and less for the mountains filled with wild rogues and magic. King James hadn’t even sent anyone to the civilian town at the base of the mountains to gather some intel or even rumors.

I had nothing but a name.

Duke was right. I probably was going to get myself killed going in there, but Marrow had been my family. For a long time, it had just been the two of us and our baby sister. She’d been gone for nearly two decades now.

Rune didn’t need me. He had a clan who still adored him and a bright future ahead of him.

And I had nothing. Rune was my own family, and if I could leave him the legacy of a crown while avenging my brother, then that was more than enough for me.

A knock at the door startled me out of my thoughts, and one of my guards walked in. “Forgive the interruption, Your Highness, but there’s an alpha here to see you. Bruce Callahan.”

Was there? I grinned ferally. “See him to the conference room.”



Three weeks later

The doors and windows were barred and locked, and there was a guard outside my door. It had been an amateur move, trying to run when my father was out of town and thinking I was safe. Champ enjoyed hitting me maybe even more than my father did, and he’d been foaming at the mouth to get his hands on me ever since the night of the ball. I should have known that he’d be keeping an eye on me.

I should have stayed with Rhyson. There was a connection between us. Not a mate bond, but most wolves didn’t find their mates. Even if Rhyson didn’t want to marry me, he might have at least found me a place in his pack. I’d considered telling him the truth, but when I’d looked out my window, there was Champ, ready to storm the hotel.

I’d just showered away the scent of Rhyson, so the last thing I wanted was him storming in and starting a war. So my meek little self had gone out to him, bare-ass naked and ready for my consequences.

My father had taken the pleasure of beating me and locking me in my prison, and Champ had just been waiting for his turn.

I’d given it to him last night.

My bruises had bruises, but I ignored them. I was a prisoner until my father decided what to do with me next. Champ wanted me for his wife, but my father would make absolutely certain that he couldn’t use me before he threw me away to his second. As uncertain as the alternative was, being with Champ seemed like rock bottom.

Of course, that was until a little bit of freedom proved my wolf right. If I didn’t leave this locked room tonight, my father would come home, and my life would get so much fucking worse.

Closing my eyes, I folded my arms around my body and allowed myself the pleasure of the memories. His touch. His kisses. I’d never felt anything close to the way I felt when I was around him. Just the thought of him made me shatter.

Rhyson of Summerset would protect me. I just had to get to him.

And I didn’t have a plan.

The sun was setting. If I didn’t leave tonight, chances were damn good that I wasn’t leaving at all.

The lock on the door turned, and I immediately moved closer and stepped into the corner. It was never a good idea to run to the farthest corner. Then, you were trapped. Staying close to the door, at least I had room to maneuver. Not that I could put up much of a fight, but it had saved my life a time or two when my father was really angry.

He wasn’t the one who walked into the room. He was gone. It wasn’t Champ either.

It was Serena. I stiffened.

The door closed, and we stared at each other. We’d never been close. I’d never even known we were cousins until she shouted it into my face one day outside when we were kids. I didn’t even know what that meant. Her father had dragged her away, angry. Not angry at her. The few times I saw them together, he was always kind to her and I was jealous.

No, he’d been furious at my father.

Her eyes were red-rimmed from crying, and they teared up all over again as she looked at me. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just…I had to tell you that in case…I just needed you to know that I didn’t want to hurt you.”

Didn’t want to hurt me? I’d be dead soon, and she was part of the reason.

“I don’t understand,” I said stonily. “You’re sorry for taking away my only chance of leaving this prison?”