I love everything about him.

Calum comes waddling into the room, clutching his favorite dinosaur toy.

“Daddy,” he squeals, running towards us and crashing into Leo’s leg, hugging it tightly.

“Hey, little guy. What have you got there?”

“Rawr,” Calum growls, shaking the dinosaur threateningly at Leo.

“Oh no, he’s trying to bite me. Oh no. Help,” Leo laughs, bending down to scoop our son into his arms.

“You’re getting too heavy, how old are you now?”

“Three,” he answers proudly.

“Well, I think when you’re three and a half, you’ll have to start carrying me around.”

“No, Daddy, you must carry me,” Calum says with horror.

“Are you excited to see the whole family?”

“Yes,” Calum shouts, trying to wiggle back to the ground.

Leon puts him down and wraps his arm around me again. “He’s just a constant ball of energy, isn’t he,” he chuckles.

“Will you get his backpack ready while I finish up? I’ll be another five minutes, then we can go.”

“Of course, my love. We’ll meet you at the car.”


Sitting in Paval’s home, surrounded by everyone I can now call my own family, my heart feels warm and happy.

I can’t believe everything that I went through, everything that I had to endure, before I was finally able to understand what true love is.

My husband, the most beautiful and caring man in the entire world, goes out of his way every single day to make me smile. And my gorgeous little baby boy has brought joy to my heart that I did not know was humanly possible to feel.

I have sisters who might not be related to me by blood, but they treat me like I have always known them, and we support each other through everything. Chiara and I are the closest, but every single one of them is incredibly special to me.

Chiara sits down next to me now, laughing.

“My goodness. I don’t remember my little one being that energetic at three.”

“I know, he’s a little terror,” I giggle.

“Well, at least this evening, you can relax while everyone else watches him, and you can have a glass of champagne with me.” She hands me a glass with a cheeky smile on her face.

“That sounds like exactly what I need.”

“So! When are you planning on having another baby?” she laughs.

“Oh, shush. I’m only just getting the hang of this one while still being a strong girlboss.”

“I hear the business has rocketed. Maxim was telling me things are going fantastically.”

“We’ve taken on three new clients this month alone. I can’t believe it. It’s so exciting.”

Chiara smiles and leans across the chair to hug me.