Sasha leans against me, taking a shaky breath of relief.
“He’s dead,” she whispers.
“He’s dead,” I confirm, pulling her into my arms.
I hold her close against me and bury my face in her hair.
“Everything is going to be okay now,” I say gently. “Your father is gone. It’s all over. We can be together without worrying about anything.”
She pulls away from me and looks up at me with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. “I’m pregnant,” she laughs.
“Oh, you are?” I laugh too, pretending like I’m hearing it for the first time. “You’re really pregnant?”
“I’m really pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.”
“This is the most incredible news I’ve ever heard.” I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her into my arms. “It’s the best news I’ve heard in my life.” I laugh again.
Back at home, the doctor visits and stitches up my arm, which was luckily just a graze thanks to Sasha’s quick thinking. He does a quick checkup with Sasha, who keeps assuring me that she feels fine.
“Well, make sure you go to the doctor tomorrow for a proper scan,” the doc insists.
“Oh, I’ll definitely make sure she does that,” I promise, walking him to the door, leaving Sasha sitting in the bedroom.
After closing the door to let the doctor out, I stand alone in the hallway for a moment and a sudden realization hits me.
Danil is dead.
The man who tore my family apart is dead.
All my life, all I ever wanted was to have my revenge on him—and now that he’s dead, I haven’t even taken a moment to acknowledge that.
That’s when I realize how much I’ve actually changed.
That is the moment when I realize that the obsession was over long before he died. And even more so now that I know Sasha is pregnant.
Killing Balakin was never going to bring my family back or bring me any kind of joy. It was never going to take away the pain or make any of it ok.
I chuckle to myself.
I had it wrong all this time.
The best way I can honor my family is to live the life they would have wanted to see me have. A life filled with love and laughter. The life my parents worked hard to give us.
I will be the best father in the world. And the best husband—and that is how I will honor my family.
That is what will bring me happiness.
I head back up to our bedroom and finally Sasha and I are alone, and I can take a breath.
“Come on, let’s go soak in a hot bath,” I say, pulling her closer to me.
I lead her upstairs, and while she undresses, I fill a bath with hot water, bubbles and lavender oil.
We lie in it, my back against the edge and her back resting against my chest. I play with her hair and keep thinking to myself over and over again how lucky we are that both of us made it through today without getting too badly hurt.
“Sasha,” I sigh softly. “I should have told you earlier, and I never ever want a day to go by without having the chance to tell you again—"