“I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“If I stay here, nothing good will happen to me. You know that.”
“I do,” she says with her mouth pulled tight.
“Marie, you need to help me get out. And I will make you a promise. I’m going to come back for you. I’m going to get you out, too.”
Marie shakes her head. “I’ll help you, Sasha, but don’t you dare ever come back here. Not for me. Not for anything. Once you are free, you stay away.”
“I’m coming back for you.”
“You’re not,” she says again. “Now come on, let’s move quickly while your father is gone.”
She grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. My legs are a little shaky from the drug, but I’m stronger than I was when I first woke up.
She pulls me towards the living room door, sticking her head out into the passage to check if the way is clear.
She gasps loudly and takes a step back, bumping into me.
“What is it?” I whisper.
“Hello, Sasha.” Rico’s evil chuckle drifts through the living room door as he steps inside, his arm raised in front of him, the barrel of his gun pointed right at us. Marie takes another step back, pushing me behind her to protect me.
“Rico,” I say, shocked. I didn’t realize he was still here.
“Yes, it seems you forgot about me. And it also seems we have a traitor living in this house.” He nods towards Marie. “You’ve been helping her sneak out?”
“Leave her alone,” Marie snaps, heated and protective.
“Marie, don’t. He’ll shoot you.”
“Damn straight, I’m going to shoot her. Danil will be pleased to know we’ve gotten rid of a rat.”
His finger moves over the trigger and Marie cries out. I’m about to push her out of the way, because I know Rico can’t shoot me, but he clearly won’t hesitate to shoot Marie. I can’t lose her. And I can’t let him kill her because she was trying to help me.
Rico’s finger tightens on the trigger as a broad smile spreads across his face.
“Goodbye, rat,” he snarls.
But gunshots and shouts from somewhere outside have him spinning towards the noise. Two more loud shots echo through the air.
I take the only chance I think I’ll have and grab a heavy marble ornament off the table to my left and swing it at Rico.
He grunts loudly as it smacks against his skull.
He turns back towards me, his eyes glazed over for a second, and I quickly grab his gun.
“You fucking bitch,” he hisses as he runs at me.
Chapter 27 - Leon
We run along the side of the house and immediately, I can see how badly outnumbered we are. One of my men is already dead, the others are fighting hard.
We’re using knives and trying to sneak in quietly, but there are so many guards it’s almost impossible.
“There’s too many,” someone shouts from behind me.
“Keep going,” I shout back.