We all start jogging towards the side of the house.
“Fuck, Maxim, get here fast,” I mutter to myself. I switch off the safety on my gun, tuck it into my belt, and start climbing over one of the side walls with my men following me.
Chapter 26 - Sasha
I groan softly as the headache pulses heavily in my skull, shooting pain down the back of my neck. What happened?
I roll over, feeling the softness of whatever I am lying on.
Where am I?
I was in town. I was shopping for—
Everything slams into my mind as I remember exactly what happened.
Rico. Where is Rico?
I try and sit up, but nausea forces me to lie back down again.
I press my hands against my eyes because the pain is so intense.
“You’re awake.” My father’s cheerful voice drifts towards me from somewhere in the room.
I blink away the bright light and force my eyes to focus.
“Dad?” my words come out in a crackled whisper through dry lips.
I lick them, realizing how thirsty I am.
“Hello, my darling. Welcome home.” His figure is walking towards me, and finally my eyes are able to focus on his face.
That smile.
A smile of triumph and pride.
I push myself up into a sitting position on the sofa I’ve been passed out on.
I move slowly, because if I don’t, I am definitely going to throw up.
“Can I have some water?” I mutter softly, looking around and seeing that we aren’t in my father’s main house. We’re in his second mansion.
“Of course you can.” He snaps his fingers towards someone else in the room. They leave, presumably to get me some water.
I shut my eyes because my vision is still thick and blurry. My eyes are watery and heavy.
My entire body feels heavy.
“So, aren’t you happy to be home? I mean, don’t you think my plan was just brilliant?” My father is chatty and walking back and forth in front of the sofa.
“What plan?” I sigh.
“My plan to be patient. To wait. I’ve been waiting all this time. As soon as I found out where you were, all I had to do was wait.”
“Wait for what?”
“Wait for you and that idiot Leon to let your guard down. You got too comfortable. You relaxed and forgot that I was just there on the sidelines, patient and ready. You see, as soon as you thought you were safe, I knew you would start taking chances, taking risks. All I had to do was stay quiet and be ready for that moment.”
Marie walks in carrying a glass of water for me. Her face is tight with worry, and I can see she wants to say so much to me, but she wouldn’t dare.