A police officer.
“What are you doing with this phone? Where is the guy who it belongs to?” I snap.
“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but he’s dead. I have two bodies here, both male and—"
“Is there a girl there? Blonde?”
“Just two guys. Listen, if you know these people, I need you to come—"
I hang up as nausea pushes against my throat. The bodyguards are dead? Both of them?
Immediately I dial Maxim as I pace up and down, trying to keep my thoughts in control.
“Maxim,” I say before he has a chance to say anything. “Someone took Sasha. She went out and both of the guards who were with her are dead.”
“Fuck. Where?”
“I’ll track their phones, but it was somewhere in town, I think. I don’t know if Sasha is okay. I don’t know what happened. She isn’t with them anymore. Man, I need your help. I have to find her.” The words spill out of my mouth in a panicked rush.
Thick fear is flooding my body. Fear I haven’t felt for a very long time. I can’t lose her. I need her. I need her.
“Leon, I’ve got this. I’m here for you, okay? We’re going to find her. Start tracking the guards' phones and send me the location of where it happened. I’m going to see what I can find out and get my brothers together.”
He hangs up and I run back out to my car. I don’t know where I’m going yet, but I’m sure as fuck not going to sit around waiting. As I drive towards town, I send Maxim the location for the guard's phone.
It’s a twenty-minute drive to where she was taken.
It feels like an eternity.
I don’t even know if there is any point in going there, but maybe, just maybe, someone saw something that can lead me in the right direction.
Before I reach the scene, Maxim calls me back.
“Leon, it was Rico. I got hold of one of the cops on my payroll. Rico took her in broad daylight. He shot the guards, and she was thrown into a white van, according to a witness.”
“Fucking Rico,” I shout, filled with rage. “I thought we sorted that issue out?”
“Another one of my guys says he thinks that after the shit that went down at the party, he switched sides. He wasn’t sure, but the rumor is that he was seen with one of Danil’s men a few days ago.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell us?”
“No one thought it meant anything.”
“It fucking means something, though, doesn’t it, and now he has Sasha and it’s obvious he’s working with Balakin. Fuck.” I’m shouting at Maxim, even though he isn’t the one I’m angry at.
“Leon. Take a breath. Balakin wants his daughter alive. He won’t hurt her. We have time to find her.”
“You don’t know that. You don’t know what her father has done to her over the years. He doesn’t give a shit about her. He will hurt her.”
“We’re going to find her. I promise,” Maxim says, trying to reassure me.
“How?” I ask as desperation burns inside me.
“I’ve got a hacker busy working right now to track Rico’s phone. If it’s on, we’ll have his location in a few minutes.”
“Call me as soon as you know.”