I’m getting tired and frustrated because my plan isn’t coming together the way I was hoping for. I also don’t want to be gone when Leon gets home, so I am starting to think that I might have to abandon this plan for now and head back there.

The street is busy, but most people are just going about their own business, not paying any attention to everyone else. I watch the people walking past, wondering where they are going and what they’re doing. It’s nice to be out of the house for a while. I’m feeling happy and excited for the future.

“Sasha?” a familiar voice comes from behind me, and I turn to see who it is, feeling my body grow tense as a memory pierces into me. Goosebumps break out the back of my neck.

Rico Nunes is standing there smiling at me as though we’re friends.

I pull my mouth tight. “Rico,” I say, carefully stepping away from him and glancing around to see how far my bodyguards are from me.

“Listen, Sasha, don’t worry—I’d also be looking at me like that after the stunt I pulled last time we saw each other.” He has his hands raised in the air in a defensive gesture, trying to show me that he means no harm. “I just really wanted to apologize for that. I was a complete idiot. I mean, I had no right to do that, and I know things between you and Leon aren’t any of my business. I was out of line. Also, I know it’s no excuse, but I did have a few too many drinks that night.”

I nod.

“Okay.” I don’t really know what he expects from me.

My bodyguards aren’t far from me, and they are watching closely.

If Rico tries anything, they’ll be quick enough to stop him.

“Seriously though. I’m really sorry. I’ve been hoping for the chance to tell you that. I’m really embarrassed about the whole thing, actually. Do you think we can put it behind us and start again?” Rico’s body language seems calm and friendly. He’s coming across in a genuine way, and I see no real reason for him to be trying to say sorry if he doesn’t really mean it.

I eye him up and down for a moment, then take a slow breath. He is one of Leon’s allies. He works with the Dubrov family. I guess I can move on from what happened.

“Yes. We can do that,” I say after a short pause. I know that Maxim dealt with the issue, and if Rico is genuinely sorry, then I see no harm in leaving it in the past. I’m not like my father. I don’t need to torture someone for something they’ve done if that person is coming to me and openly admitting that they were wrong.

He grins.

“Ah. That’s amazing. Thank you. I feel so much better that we’ve had the chance to clear the air. So, what are you doing in town?” he asks cheerfully, changing the subject.

“I’m looking for a watch for Leon, but I’m having no luck at all.”

“Something specific?”

I mention the brand and model and he chuckles. “It’s actually difficult to find. It’s quite rare. But you’re in luck. We have a jewelry store just a short drive away, in town. I have one available. I can take you there now if you like?”

Rico slips his hands into his pockets and waits for me to reply.

My instincts tell me not to trust him. I can forgive him, but I don’t have to trust him. I decide to follow my gut instinct and not accept his offer. I think I’m just going to go home.

I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy or all the walking, but I’m feeling really tired.

“Um, no, that’s okay. Thanks. Maybe it’s better if I just bring Leon with me to choose the watch himself in case it’s not even the one he wants.”

“Don’t be silly. If it turns out not to be the one he wants, you can bring it right back. My wife runs the store, and I know she was actually looking forward to meeting Leon’s wife. She’d be thrilled if we surprise her with a visit.”

“Your wife works there with you?”

“Yes. It’s her business. She started it and runs it, I just help out here and there. She’s the boss, though. I’ve been married to her for eight beautiful years now. You’ll like her.”

I shift my weight from one foot to the other, considering the risk of going to meet his wife and seeing if she can help me. I really want that watch. I really want to tell Leon my news.

Finally, I come to the conclusion that with my two guards with me I will be perfectly safe. And we’re in public. There are enough people around that it would be stupid for him to try something now.

“Alright. We’ll head back to our car, and I’ll ask my guards to follow yours. Where are you parked?”

“Right over there.” He points down an alleyway, and I lean around him to see. In a flash, he’s pulled out a gun, and in one swift movement, he grabs my arm and drags me off my feet. I slam into the pavement, my knees hitting the concrete and bolts of pain shooting through my legs.

My heart hammers in my chest as I roll onto my back to try and push myself away from Rico. I scream as he fires two loud shots in quick succession towards the bodyguards. People around us on the street are screaming too. Everyone is running, trying to get away. There is absolute chaos breaking out.