Leon is holding the car door open for me. “Sasha, come on,” he says loudly, and I obediently hurry over to get in.
“You’re getting on very well with Chiara,” he says questioningly.
“I really like her. She’s so sweet.”
“Sorry, but it’s too risky for me not to ride with you.”
“I understand.” I smile and fasten my seatbelt.
I watch the scenery fly past the window as we head back to the family holiday house in the city.
I wonder how Leon will take the news if I am pregnant. Will he be happy?
What if he’s angry?
My stomach is filled with butterflies, flapping around constantly.
I smile to myself.
I really want to be pregnant.
Even if Leon doesn’t want the baby, I can still be an amazing mother.
I want this.
I want it with Leon, but—I just hope he takes the news well.
Back at the house, everyone is tired and drifts off to do their own thing or relax in their rooms. Leon is out in the back having a drink with Kiril and Paval, his other cousins, and I am on the sofa reading a book. But I’m not actually reading at all. I’m waiting for Chiara to get home.
Lucky for me, it’s a short wait, and as soon as she arrives, she catches my eye and silently gestures for me to follow her upstairs. I put my book down as Maxim wanders outside to see what the other guys are doing.
Then I bolt upstairs after Chiara.
She pushes me into her ensuite and closes the door behind us.
“Here, I got two different ones. It’s always better to do more than one test, just in case.”
“Okay,” I say nervously, taking the boxes from her.
I pull them open and look down at the stick.
“Have you ever done one before?”
“Okay, when you pee, hold this end in the stream. For both of them. That’s all you need to do. Then we wait.”
I sit on the toilet, and with Chiara sitting on the counter of the basin, I pee on both sticks and clip their lids in place.
Then I nervously wait while Chiara chats to fill the time.
“I was thinking, I know you said you didn’t want anyone to know, but maybe this is something you shouldn’t keep from Leon?”
“I just don’t know how he’ll react.”
“He’ll probably be a little shocked, maybe initially he’ll be freaked out, but ultimately he would be an amazing father.”
I nod. He would be.