“I got introduced to so many people, I hardly remember them all.”
“I understand. But look, you’ll be fine. It’s just a relaxed family getaway.”
When I walk in holding Leon’s hand, Chiara comes rushing over to me.
“Oh good, you’re here. Come on, I want to introduce you to the other wives.”
I glance nervously at Leon, who chuckles and releases my hand. Chiara pulls me away and leads me towards a group of girls. She runs through their names and I try my best to remember them all. Darya, Kat…oh dear. I bite my lip.
One of the girls leans towards me, handing me a cocktail. “Don’t worry, honey, we don’t expect you to remember everyone’s names. Just relax, enjoy our family, get to know people and have fun. That’s the most important thing, have fun. We are going to be together for the next few days, so you’ll have plenty of time to remember everyone by the end of it.”
I smile at her, she’s gorgeous. I take the cocktail and sip it. Mango something. It’s tasty.
Chiara sticks close to me on the first day and I’m grateful for that. Leon keeps coming over to check on me as well, getting teased by all the girls for being overprotective. He teases back. None of them seem to know that it was a forced marriage. They ask me questions about him as though we are in love. They joke and laugh and share stories about their own husbands.
When Chiara and I have a moment alone, I take the chance to ask her if anyone else knows about Leon’s whole revenge plot and reason for marrying me.
“No one else knows. Just Maxim and me,” she reassures me. “Are you feeling okay?
“Yes, just—this family is so big, and everyone seems so happy and close to each other.”
“I know, it’s quite special, actually. They are such an amazing group of people. I was also nervous when I first met everyone, but you’ll see—you’ll fit in just fine.” She smiles and I begin to feel more relaxed.
The first night of the family getaway is fun, and by the next morning, I at least know half of their names.
Leon is sitting next to me at the breakfast table with one of the children on his lap, and I can’t believe how sweet and gentle he is with the little boy. The kid must be about three, and he’s deep in conversation about his new toy truck, telling Leon exactly how fast it can go and how it carries mud. Leon is engaging in this conversation with all seriousness. I giggle when he asks how much mud per hour the truck can carry, because he might want to hire him to work at one of his warehouses.
He’s great with the kids, playing along with their games, and they seem to adore him.
His entire family seems to adore him. They tease him often, which at first I didn’t understand was a good thing.
In this environment, I can see a completely different side to him.
Also, this environment is completely new to me.
I am not used to a family being this way. I hadn't understood—this is what is normal for families. Not what my father put me through.
All these years, I thought he was just training me, making me stronger, helping prepare me for the world. I guess I didn’t have any other frame of reference.
But now I do, sitting here at this breakfast table, watching everyone laugh and share and treat each other with respect.
I never knew that all my life, this is what I was longing for.
A family. A real one. Filled with love.
Watching Leon with the kids make my heart ache a little. Because I want that. Just watching him in general has my heart stirring in ways that might be dangerous for me.
I shouldn’t be falling for him.
I still don’t know what his plan is for me.
But I can’t stop the feelings that are growing.
After breakfast we all head towards the waterfront for an afternoon yacht trip. They picked the perfect day for it, because even though it’s a little chilly, the sun is shining, and the sky is blue.