“So am I,” I whisper breathlessly.
He grabs my hips again and starts rocking me back and forth faster and my body begins to shake with pleasure. I cry out as the orgasm crashes into me, pulsing through me in waves of pleasure.
He growls and pulls me tight against him, thrusting deep into me as he explodes.
“Fuck, I can’t get over how incredible you feel,” he whispers against my ear.
“I’m sorry for earlier,” I whisper back.
He looks into my eyes. “It’s okay, Sasha. You’ve been through a lot. I just want you to know I’m not like that.”
“I know you aren’t,” I admit, really meaning it.
Chapter 19 - Leon
Late afternoon, with the rain drizzling lightly across the windshield of my car, I am driving back home from a small errand in the city.
I find myself thinking about Sasha far more often than I should when I am not around her. Right now, whether I want to admit it or not, I am looking forward to getting home and seeing her.
I left the house early this morning and we didn’t even have our usual breakfast together.
Down a long open road, my eyes are on the horizon in the distance when my phone starts ringing loudly in the Bluetooth set connected to my car.
I push the flashing green button on the screen on my dashboard, answering the call from an unknown number.
“Hello,” I say into my empty car.
“Leon Dubrov, how are you on this fine afternoon?”
My insides twist at the sound of his voice. My hands grip tighter on the steering wheel and my knuckles start to grow white.
“Danil Balakin. What can I help you with today?”
“Well, isn’t that a question and a half. I’ll tell you what you can help me with, Leon. You can give me my daughter back.” He laughs, but it’s dry and cracked with anger.
“I can’t help you with that,” I say coolly, despite my insides churning and spinning wildly.
“Where is she, Leon? I know you have her, I just don’t know where. You can tell me now, or you can wait for me to find you, and I promise you the latter won’t be pretty.”
“Again, Balakin, I cannot help you with that.”
“Listen here, asshole. You took something that doesn’t belong to you. That girl belongs to me, and she should be here, with me, doing as she’s told. No one messes with me like this. No one takes my things. The lack of respect you have shown me is unspeakable—"
“Your things? You mean your daughter? You make it sound like I took one of your cars.”
“Car. Daughter. What does it matter—the point is that no one steals from me,” he screams into the phone.
He really doesn’t give a shit about Sasha. He hasn’t even asked how she is or if she’s okay. He hasn’t asked if I’ve hurt her or touched her. He just doesn’t care. I think he might be more interested to know if she was unscratched if she was a one of his cars.
“Danil, I’ll never give her back to you. She belongs to me now, and I’ll do with her what I want. She is no longer your possession or concern.”
“You’d better give her back to me. If you don’t, I’ll ruin you. I’ll have your entire life torn apart. I’ll bury your businesses and burn your properties to the ground.”
“I promise you, Danil, the second you come after me, I’ll kill Sasha,” I say, so calm and collected that he is stunned into silence.
Balakin swears loudly, and I hear a crashing sound which I can only assume was him throwing his phone, because the line goes dead a moment later.
I press my screen to disconnect from my side just in case and then stare at the road ahead of me. On the phone I sounded confident. I sounded like I knew exactly what I wanted and what my plan was—but inside, I shaken.