Leon walks into the room with a tray of coffee, breakfast and flowers.

He’s been doing this almost every single morning since we came here.

This and a constant stream of gifts.

Luxurious perfumes, expensive creams and beauty products, clothing that is fit for a princess. At first, it was confusing, and I didn’t understand what his goal was, but after a while I had to admit that I just really love being spoiled like this. I’ve never had someone dote on me before or pamper me and treat me like a princess. I’m not used to it, but it’s making me feel ridiculously special.

“Good morning,” I say in my sleepy voice as I sit up in bed and rub my eyes.

He slides on to the bed next to me and throws the blankets over himself. He pulls me against his side and places the tray over our legs.

“Scrambled eggs and bacon this morning. And I added an extra sugar in your coffee because yesterday you didn’t smile as much when you took your first sip.” He grins.

I shake my head, smiling broadly. “So you are a mind reader now, too?”

“Was I right, though? It didn’t have enough sugar?”

I sigh. “You were right.”

He chuckles and my eyes fall to his lips. He’s absolutely gorgeous, and I’ve been constantly struggling with my attraction to him. It’s evolved lately into something deeper than just a physical feeling.

He’s making me feel safe and seen.

I’m still struggling so much with trust, though, because why is he doing this? What does he want from me? Is there some hidden agenda?

There is a knock at the bedroom door, and one of the security guys' voices comes from the other side.


“You can come in,” Leon calls back.

The door opens and a man stands politely in the doorway without entering the bedroom.

“The perimeter is clear, and there were no incidents last night.”

“Thanks, you can give me another report at lunchtime.”

“Yes. sir.”

The man turns to leave, and I sigh heavily. The security is so intense at the moment, and I have been feeling completely smothered by it. I haven’t left the house for even a second since we arrived here two weeks ago and I’m going a little crazy.

“Leon, is all this security really necessary?” I grumble.

“Definitely. I’m not taking any chances after what happened,” he replies sternly.

“I’m just—it’s very claustrophobic. I’m feeling very caged-in.”

“Do you have cabin fever?” he chuckles.

“Yes, exactly that. I need to get out.”

“And I need to keep you safe,” he responds.

I roll my eyes but drop the subject because he has been really sweet the past few weeks and I appreciate that. Even if I am nervous about why he’s doing it.

I’ve learned to enjoy good times in my life when they come, because I never know when they will end.

Later that day I’m sitting in the living room, curled up on the sofa with a book, when Leon comes in and tells me to get ready.