“You forgot your coffee.” He gestures with his chin towards where I left my own coffee standing on the kitchen counter. My cheeks flush with heat and I rush over to pick it up. Without a word, I hurry past him and disappear as fast I can.

I stay hiding in the library until Penny comes to call me.

“Sasha, Leon is waiting downstairs for you. He says he’s ready to go.”

So he is still taking me shopping.

“Thank you, Penny.” I stand up, putting the book I was staring at and not actually reading down on the small coffee table.

I head straight downstairs and find Leon waiting at the front door, holding it open for me. We walk out to the car in silence, and he holds the car door open for me.

Once I am seated, he leans over me to clip my seatbelt in. I bite my lip as his scent washes over me, and I have to turn my head away to avoid my face brushing against his.

Then he climbs into the car and starts the engine, pulling out of the driveway and heading into town.

We drive in silence for a while before I realize we are not headed to the mall in town.

“Where are we going?” I ask nervously. Maybe this was all some kind of manipulation.

“To the mall.”

“No we aren’t. The mall isn’t this way.”

“We are going to one outside the city. It’s just as nice. I don’t want to risk anyone your father knows seeing me taking you shopping.”

“What difference does that make?” I ask, confused.

“I’m supposed to be torturing you. I want him to continue to think I am torturing you in private. He can’t know I am taking you out shopping,” he says, annoyed.

“So everything is still about my father?” I ask a little too abruptly.

“What the fuck else would it be about?” he snaps back at me.

I bite my lip, knowing it’s never a good idea to push a man when he’s angry. Images of my father flash through my mind.

I shrink back into the seat feeling hurt and upset. I somehow, between yesterday and today, managed to convince myself that Leon was taking me shopping because he liked me, maybe—I don’t know. I don’t know what I was thinking.

But at the end of the day, everything is always just about his revenge plot against my father. This isn’t about me. He doesn’t give a shit about me. All he cares about is using me to get to my father.

I’m probably just some form of amusement for him in the meantime.

I bite back a sigh as my thoughts churn.


He’s obviously paying. And he suggested this shopping trip. So I can have my own fun, and I know exactly how I’ll make this outing as annoying as possible for him.

We pull up outside a mall I haven’t been to because it’s too far outside of where my father would ever allow me to go.

We walk inside, and straight away, I enter the first shop I see. A shoe shop.

Leon follows me.

I start picking up shoes. Shoes I don’t need. High heels, sneakers, boots. I don’t even try them on. I just carry them to the counter and wait for him to pay.

He doesn’t say a word, just hands the woman his card and tells her to keep the parcels behind the counter for his guy to collect.

In the next shop, I start looking at the most expensive dresses I can find. I choose more than I can carry and go the counter, and again, wait for him to pay.