More than once, I see her wobble and almost fall, but by the time I reach her she is standing on the top of the pillar and looking as though she is thinking about jumping.

“Don’t be fucking stupid, Sasha,” I demand, starting to climb up as well.

That stupid fucking girl takes a step closer to the edge, and just as I reach the top, she loses her balance. She screams so loudly it pierces into my skull, and I reach out just in time to grab her arm and pull her back towards me, stopping her from being torn to shreds on the barbed wire.

My heart is hammering in my chest as I pull her into my arms. That was so fucking close. I can’t believe she would put herself in danger like that.

Relief floods my thoughts as I hold her shaking body against me. Thank fuck I got here in time.

I drag her back down the other side of the fence, and in all honestly, at this point, she looks like she is in shock, because she is hardly fighting me at all.

But when we hit the ground again and her bright green eyes turn to look up at me, that all changes.

I see hurt in her expression. Her eyes are glittering with the threat of tears. She bites down hard, swallowing them back. Then I see anger. Maybe betrayal. And she turns wild again.

Her arms are flailing, her legs are kicking out, and she is screaming loudly.

This is obviously what she did to Ivan. But I am not Ivan.

I grab her throat and pull her back up against my chest, making sure she is facing away from me so she can’t grab at me. I twist her arm against her chest and pin her body against mine.

She carries on trying to kick, so I lift her off the ground, and with ease, I carry her towards the house. She doesn’t stand a chance against me. I am twice her size, and she can fight all she wants, but I have waited too long to have her here under my control.

“Ivan, get your shit together,” I say as I walk past him and see him nursing his bleeding arm.

He looks dejected and nods tightly. “Yes, sir.”

I carry Sasha up the stairs, and she pointlessly continues to try and squirm from my grip.

I walk into the room I’ve had prepared for her and throw her onto the bed.

She gasps as she lands on the soft mattress and then spins around to face me.

Her eyes are wild and scared as she watches me.

“Are you going to torture him?” she stammers with tears in her eyes.

“What?” What the fuck? Who?

“The man I bit. The man who I got away from. Are you going to torture him because he let me go?” Her voice is shaking.

“Torture him? What are you—whatever,” I snap, knowing she is just trying to distract me. Why the fuck would I torture Ivan? Her question doesn’t even make sense.

I keep my eye on her as I walk towards the door and then slam it shut behind me, leaving her alone, securely locked up in her room. I finally have her.

Years of planning and plotting and chasing this revenge dream. I finally have her, even sooner than I thought I would.

A smirk curves across my lips as I walk away.

I want to enjoy this moment to the fullest.

I walk heavily down the stairs, still smiling.

Ivan is standing in the entrance hall, grumbling over his injured arm.

I chuckle loudly.

“She got you pretty good, by the looks of it.”