Alfie grimaced. “Yeah, wasn’t pleasant.”
“Well, you’re lucky you’re not working in there. Someone put mackerel in the office microwave, and the whole place stinks.”
Alfie placed his hand on his stomach and scrunched his face. “That is definitely something I don’t want to think about.”
“Don’t go throwing up on that coat. Looks expensive.”
Alfie made it halfway to the prison, then realised he was wearing the coat Nate had got him. It was too late to go back and change, and he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t warm and comfortable to wear. Underneath was his prison officer uniform, shirt tucked in, tie fixed, and all buttons in their correct holes. He felt a mess internally, but he was determined not to show it.
Dave secured his hair in a bun, then flicked his chin out at the car. “Nate’s been a handful all week, getting them banging the cells at night and shit stirring during the day. He’s lucky Ryan’s still letting him go. Grief drives a man crazy.”
Alfie scratched the back of his head. “Don’t think I’ll be much help if he kicks off later.”
Dave waved his hand. “We haven’t forgotten that mean right hook of yours. Besides, he’ll behave if you’re here.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I didn’t, Henry did. He says Nate misbehaves when you’re not there and calms down when you are.”
“Henry’s talking rubbish,” Alfie muttered.
“We’ll see. You’re in the back with Mike, part of the bread to a Nate sandwich.”
Alfie moved to the opposite side of the car and opened the door. Nate’s expensive suit caught Alfie’s eye, at a guess the same brand as the coat buttoned around himself. His facial hair had been trimmed, and he had swept his fringe back over his head. He stared straight ahead, seemingly oblivious to the open car door.
“Well, you getting in?” Mike grumbled.
Nate flashed a bored look in Alfie’s direction, then did a double take. He stilled and widened his eyes. His mouth slacked, and he shook his head. “No, hell no!”
Alfie swallowed awkwardly and rocked back on his heels.
Nate’s face twisted in anger, and he curled his top lip.
Alfie hated that look being attached to him. The memory of their night in the cell was still raw in his mind.
“Hey, calm it down,” Mike said, gripping Nate’s biceps.
All the times Alfie had seen him cuffed before, Nate’s hands had been secured at his back, but in the car, they were handcuffed on his lap. His hands were curled into fists, so tight his knuckles looked like they would protrude from the skin.
Alfie gawped in horror, and another level of confusion was added to his spiralling mind. Nate had switched from expressing concern for his welfare to frothing at the mouth with anger at the sight of him.
“Back off, keep walking. You’re not getting in the car.”
His commanding voice was doused in threat, in warning in case Alfie was foolish enough to disobey him. Alfie’s feet stuck to the concrete, and his hand glued itself to the door of the car.
Mike was growling words in Nate’s ear, telling him to calm down, but Nate only had eyes for Alfie, and his mouth spat more words. “Not him. Anyone but him.”
Alfie took the aggressive words in his stride, but being told he wasn’t wanted affected a deep part of him. The one person who had convinced him he cared was now growling him away.
“I don’t want him here!”
Mike shook his head. “Not your choice.”
Nate showed his gritted teeth and hissed, “You are not wanted here.”
“That’s enough!” Mike shouted, yanking hard on Nate’s arm.
Dave climbed in the front, and the car jolted. He clipped his belt into position, then turned to face Alfie.