Alfie swallowed, then drew air slowly through his lips, expanding his lungs to the maximum.
“Hold it,” Nate whispered.
Alfie did as Nate said, and his heart slowed its rampant thump.
“Now breathe out slowly.”
The air whistled through Alfie’s lips, and he completely emptied his chest. His heartbeat calmed back to normal, and he took another deep breath of air.
“Perfect,” Nate purred. “You’re perfect.”
The seductive tone ignited goose bumps up Alfie’s neck, roaming over his scalp. He didn’t lurch away from the cell or slap his traitorous skin. He let the sensitive buzz take over him. He allowed himself to sink into unawareness, and for a few seconds, it offered him respite and relieved the ache in his body.
Even though Nate didn’t speak again, Alfie could tell he was still there, crouched or knelt on the other side of the door, listening as the paramedics helped Queenie in the next cell.
When he had reclaimed enough of his senses, Alfie opened his eyes. Glen stood a few metres away. He wiped his brow with relief before Marie took over and did it for him. Henry had moved to the top of the stairs. He rubbed at his chin with an unbothered expression, then trundled back down the steps.
A paramedic held his hand out for Alfie to take, and something in his chest ached at the thought of being separated from cell 150. The helping hand waved at him again, and he managed a grateful smile as he was hauled back to his feet. He followed sluggishly behind as they stretchered Queenie out. Only in the lobby did Alfie get a proper look at Queenie’s face.
His face was slimmer than the mugshot, his eyebrows were well sculptured, and his ears were pierced with two gold hoops. Queenie's eyes were closed and most of his features were obscured by the oxygen mask. Even that close to death, he looked more preened and healthier than when he’d arrived at Larkwood.
Queenie raised his hand and clutched the mask on his face. The nails on his fingers were manicured with shiny red nail polish. Even though he had big hands, the well-kept nails made them look feminine. He slipped the mask down and opened one blood-shot eye.
Alfie moved closer and offered a tight smile.
He widened his eyes, opened and closed his mouth a few times, before regaining his voice. He didn’t think the first person to call him by name would be an out-of-it Queenie.
Alfie smiled. “Yeah. That’s me.”
“He’s…he’s right,” Queenie muttered.
“About you being cute,” Queenie said, lifting his head slightly. “Nate’s right.”
Thankfully, Henry, Glen and Marie were out of earshot.
“Did you give me the kiss of life?” Queenie croaked, frowning.
Alfie scratched the back of his head, but even that jarred the muscles in his arm. “Yeah.”
Queenie dropped his head back on the stretcher and closed his eye. “Shit.”
“What is it?” Alfie asked.
“Nate’s going to kill me.”
“I think he’ll just be relieved you’re alive.”
Queenie forced his eyes open and ran his gaze over Alfie’s face.
“He’s definitely going to kill me.”
The paramedics wheeled Queenie away before he could say anything else, flanked by the twins, who were already popping cigarettes in their mouths in preparation of going outside.
Alfie didn’t know quite what to expect when day shift arrived. They all had paperwork to fill out, and they reported the events of the night. Alfie didn’t mention he struggled to get in contact with his team. He said he radioed to Henry, and he responded immediately. He wasn’t a grass, and if it came down to a ‘his word against mine’ situation, Alfie knew it wouldn’t end well for him.