Tia’s eyes bulged. “What? And it was that bad?”
“No, it wasn’t bad. It was…”
Alfie didn’t want to think about it.
Tia’s eyes hardened. “Has he gone cold?”
“No, it just shouldn’t have happened. It can’t happen.”
“Was it at work?”
“During work hours.”
Tia’s lips lifted into a coy smile, then she laughed. “In a cell?”
Alfie caught his face in his hand.
“You dirty dog,” Tia said.
“Oh, come on.”
“I’ve been ignoring his calls.”
“Well, don’t. Talk to him, figure it out. If it’s putting your job in jeopardy, it must be putting his on the line too.”
“It’s not,” Alfie muttered.
Tia frowned and then nodded like she’d worked it out. “Oh. He’s higher up the ladder than you? If all goes wrong, you’re the scapegoat?”
“Something like that.”
“Trust you to fall for some superior.”
She shook her head and handed Alfie’s coffee back before getting her own.
“I didn’t mean to,” Alfie whispered.
“Mean to what?”
“Fall for him.”
Tia shrugged. “The heart wants what the heart wants.”
“Until it’s staked.”
Tia rolled her eyes. “Bloody hell, you’re worse than me."
“How’s it going with Sarah?”
“Good, it’s going well. I’m meeting her parents next weekend.”