Page 89 of Freshman

Alfie knew he was sticky, and the cool air of the cell made him shiver.

Nate smirked before opening his mouth wide and accepting Alfie’s straining erection.

Alfie’s needy cock was finally encased in warmth and wetness, and he shivered uncontrollably. Nate hadn’t gagged him, but he hummed as if he had, trying so hard to be quiet. He pressed his lips together until they ached, and he squeezed his eyes shut to regain some semblance of control.

Nate slid his tongue on the underside of Alfie’s sensitive cock, tracing the lines torturously slowly. He savoured Alfie, mapped his cock carefully until every millimetre of tight skin was buzzing on the attention.

Alfie curled his toes until they cramped, but the slight discomfort wasn’t enough to stop him bordering the edge.

Nate lowered his mouth to drive Alfie’s cock deep in wet heat before pulling back with a long-drawn suck and a hum that vibrated through him.

Alfie wasn’t going to last. Nate smirked around his cock like he knew it too. Alfie rubbed the back of his head helplessly against the pillow and clenched his stomach muscles. Three bobs of Nate’s tormenting blow job, three twists of his nipple, and Alfie flung his head back until he felt the springs of the thin mattress digging into him.

He lifted his hips.

Nate grabbed his arse and held him there, slipping his mouth all the way down to the base as Alfie's climax hit. Alfie sunk his teeth into his bicep again. He had to, or he would’ve screamed loud enough to wake Henry, let alone the prisoners in the surrounding cells.

Nate held him still while accepting the steady flow of come, and Alfie was so deep in his throat he felt him swallow four distinct times. Alfie’s eyes were firmly shut, but moisture trickled through his lids at the intensity of the orgasm.

Nate lowered Alfie’s hips back to the mattress, then crawled up his body, kissing all he could until he got to Alfie’s numb face, still buried in his arm.

Alfie stopped biting and panted for breath. Nate sucked his slacked lips, then pushed his tongue into Alfie’s mouth, letting him taste himself. He pulled back a minute later with a dirty sound of suction and hummed to himself. The predatory smile was back, and the crinkled eyes too. “I’m going to fuck you now. Been dying to since I first saw you.”

Alfie’s eyes fluttered, and he nodded as best he could with his head on the pillow.

Nate knelt and stretched his arm to the small bedside cabinet. The drawer squeaked, and they both froze. No one stirred in the cell next to them, and a relieved breath escaped Nate.

“Even if they did hear, there’s no way I’m stopping now.”

He pulled out a small tub of Vaseline and struggled with the lid. His angry expression intensified until Alfie lifted his hand to take it. He opened it with ease and smirked at Nate narrowing his eyes.

“I’m going to wipe that look off your face.”

He slathered his cock in Vaseline, and Alfie leaned up to watch. Nate’s cock was huge and intimidatingly thick. Alfie widened his eyes, and his lips popped open.

Nate chuckled. “Turning you on?”

Alfie’s mouth had gone dry, and he forced himself to swallow. “It’s not going to fit.”

“Aww, more sweet words from my Freshman.” Nate stopped stroking himself and shoved his sticky hand at Alfie’s chest. He flopped back onto the bed, but it wasn’t enough for Nate. He gripped Alfie’s wrists and pressed them to the top of the bed. Alfie took hold of the bedframe. “Keep them there.”

Alfie nodded and shut his eyes, anticipating discomfort. He never liked the first few thrusts. It was an internal battle to relax his untrusting body, and that fight of mind over body resulted in pain, in rawness, that he had to overcome to get to pleasure.

The battle didn’t happen with Nate, or if it did, it was over before he even breached with his fingers.

Alfie kept his fingers curled around the metal bar above his head and leaned back to expose his throat. It was more intimate than kissing on the lips. And Nate made the best of the surrender, nipping gently with his teeth and sucking softly on the delicate skin. He used his fingers, pushing them in and out, not giving Alfie a moment to think. He distracted him with slow kisses with lots of tongue.

The pain of the first push barely registered. Nate paused to kiss Alfie dizzy before deepening his thrust. Any uncomfortable stretch was swiftly blocked by Nate’s lips. He kissed thoroughly, until there was no room for doubt or fear.

Then the kisses weren’t gentle anymore.

They were primal, months of build-up pouring out of them.

Alfie took what Nate gave him with a gasp and a pant. He removed a hand from the bedframe and clutched Nate’s muscular back, holding on while he was thrust into the mattress.

Nate growled, leaned back, and found Alfie’s disobedient hand. He tightened his hand around Alfie’s wrists and pinned it above his head. He didn’t release it but held on tighter as he thrusted harder and faster. There was distance between them, but they joined where it mattered. Nate controlled Alfie in the way he wanted, kept him still and secure while rolling his hips and awaiting the reaction with a smug smile.

“My Freshman loves being fucked.”