Page 64 of Jonathon, After All

The elevator stopped and the doors opened, but Jonathon wasn’t ready to move. “Leo that’s…” He was stunned by all that Leo had already sacrificed and what he was putting on the line to stay for a week and woo Jonathon. “I appreciate all of this, but please don’t make any more changes or piss anyone else off over us,” he said, but Leo made a dismissive gesture and held a hand out to Jonathon.

“They will accept us with smiles on their faces because that is what I wish. Now, come along. It’s getting late and we wouldn’t want Muriel to worry.”

“Right!” Jonathon said and smiled as he took Leo’s hand and they made their way to 6A.

That had been a lovely surprise, seeing Leo defer to Muriel and respecting her authority and judgment. And Leo talked about Muriel as if she were part of their team and understood that she was part of the package if he and Jonathon were going to have any kind of relationship. That alone spoke volumes about what Leo was prepared to do, because only a brave man would happily agree to bind himself to Muriel Hormsby for the rest of his life.

“I love that you’re making such an effort with Muriel. That’s going to earn you so many points,” he murmured, sighing happily as he closed his eyes, rose on his toes, and craned his neck. Surely now, Leo would give Jonathon a real kiss and end both of their agony. Jonathon was pretty sure there was still a spark. He was feeling pretty hot and his stomach did cartwheels every time Leo pulled him close.

“I’m glad, and I’m happy to dance to whatever tune Muriel wishes. She has always had your best interests in mind and she understands far more than I ever will about the aristocracy and their old ways.” His lips swept across Jonathon’s before he was turned and Leo tapped a knuckle against the door.

“But what about…” Jonathon attempted, but Leo shushed him.

“Not yet. Not until I have Muriel’s hearty blessing this time. I cannot trust myself and your judgment is questionable as well.”

“That goes without saying,” Jonathon conceded, but didn’t hide his scowl as he let Leo in and made smalltalk with Muriel and Tilly until he left them.

“Well? How did it go with von Hessen?” Muriel asked Jonathon as they returned to the sitting room, just after 9:00 PM.

“Wonderful,” Jonathon said and pouted as he crossed his arms.

“Then why do you look so bothered?” Muriel asked him.

Jonathon's face scrunched as he considered. “I had a wonderful time and it was just like old times. So much so that I was ready to see just how much was still the same, but Leo was a perfect gentleman. He barely even kissed me,” he said, earning a pleased hum from Muriel.

“About time that man started showing some good sense. He’s learned that the past can’t be swept under the rug, if he wants to sweep you off your feet.”

“It can’t…” Jonathan agreed hesitantly. “But I’m finding that I feel better, every time I leave another piece of it behind. I believe that Leo’s sorry and it looks like he was hurting just as badly as I was, he just had to hide it and carry on with a smile,” Jonathan said, aching as he imagined it. “I’m more interested in seeing if we still have chemistry, than dwelling on the past.”

“Good,” Muriel said with a firm nod and Tilly seemed pleased as well as she sipped her tea in her nightcoat. Muriel had waited up in her most elegant boudoir ensemble: a teal and gold velvet paisley robe with marabou trim and a gold turban. “Don’t let the past weigh you down. What do you plan to do about Sabine tomorrow? Speaking of the past and heavy things,” she said, causing Jonathon to pout and scowl again.

“She feels like a weight around all of our necks and we can’t move on until we talk to her, but I don’t know what I’ll do. How can I, until we know if she is actually sorry, or just sorry that she got caught?”

“That is the question,” Muriel agreed, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully as she sat back in her seat and crossed her arms. “We shall just have to wait and see.”


As Leo had promised, a limo arrived at 8:00 AM to deliver Jonathon to the Plaza. For Jonathon, it was like returning to the scene of a crime despite the fact that Leo had sent a note reminding him to dress comfortably again. Jonathon kept his head down as he was shown into the hotel’s private entrance and rode a gleaming wood and gold-inlaid elevator up to the two-level Grand Penthouse Suite.

“Welcome back to the Plaza, Mr. Hawthorne,” the doorman said cheerfully, despite Jonathon’s prior assault there.

“Good morning, Mr. Hawthorne, and welcome,” the butler said with an elegant bow after the elevator doors opened. The slight, older man gestured serenely at the opulent living room. “Mr. von Hessen should be down in just a moment, but if there is anything you should need, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you, I will,” Jonathon said, nodding and dismissing him. He gave the space a discreet scan, assessing and comparing. Being Muriel’s travel companion, and a reformed slut, he had been in just about every suite in the Plaza with the exception of the Grand Penthouse Terrace Suite and the Royal Suite.

He thought the gray and cream theme was chic, yet rather typical, but still found the understated elegance inviting. The art was more modern but the shapes and lines of the furniture were classic with just a touch of formality from the crystal chandeliers, making the rooms feel airy and contemporary.

“You’re here!” Leo said excitedly as he jogged down the stairs in a chunky Aran cable knit cardigan, jeans, and boots. He opened his arms and Jonathon’s feet carried him forward before he had made up his mind to throw himself at Leo. “I missed you. How was your evening?” he asked and Jonathon winced nervously.

“Fine except all the dread over seeing Sabine,” he confided. Jonathan leaned right into his embrace, one arm circling Leo’s back as the other hand slid up his chest. “But I’m dreading it even less now,” he murmured with an appreciative groan as he felt Leo’s broad, firm pec beneath this shirt.

Leo’s hand covered Jonathon’s as he shushed and nipped at his lips. “Everything will be fine. I sent my brothers away. I didn’t want this morning to be more stressful than it already is. They mean well, I think…” He stared into the distance for a moment then shook his head. “It’s hard to tell with them these days.

“I wouldn’t have minded more time with them,” Jonathan said and narrowed his eyes at Leo. “They weren’t nearly as bad as you claimed.”

“How distraught were you yesterday?” Leo asked him, making Jonathon snort.

He leaned back and gave Leo a peeved look. “Quite, but they were sweet and Theo isn’t hotter than you.”