“You’re about to see stars,” Jonathon predicted with an adoring groan as he eased the waist down and freed Leo’s hard-on. “You turned tonight into a dream. But if this is my dream, it’s going to be filthy, Leo.”
“Okay…” he said, nodding jerkily and leaned away to put their glasses down. “Gott!” He grabbed the edge of the table when Jonathon opened wide and swallowed as much of Leo’s length as he could. “Oh, Gott!” His fingers tangled in Jonathon’s hair and Leo hissed appreciatively. “Das ist so gut…” He guided Jonathon’s head back and forth but his control was slipping. Jonathon could feel Leo’s body trembling and his grumbles were getting higher and tighter. His body grew warmer as Jonathon used his hands and his lips to reward Leo and melt his brain.
It was only fair after the way he had swept Jonathon off of his feet.
Jonathon raised his eyes to Leo’s, winding his tongue around the head as he stroked. “Make it hurt, sir,” he pouted. “Make me swallow every inch of this and then, fuck me like you own me.”
“Jonathon!” Leo muffled a scandalized swear, his eyes huge as he leaned back and watched Jonathon gag around his length. “Scheiße,” he panted.
Jonathon moaned lewdly, his nails scraping Leo’s firm, round ass and thighs. He opened wider and inhaled as he pressed forward until his nose mashed into the hairs at the base of Leo’s cock. His throat burned as tears spilled from his eyes, but Jonathon had never felt higher or more aroused.
“Scheiße…!” Leo groaned as he gave in and bucked against Jonathon’s face, holding onto his head.
“Mmmmm!” Jonathon was already so close. Heat and pleasure plumed in his core and there was a gnawing, hungry ache that had him restless and writhing as Leo unraveled above him.
“Jetzt!” was all the warning Jonathon got before his head was pulled back and he was hauled to his feet by his armpits. Leo spun him, plucking at Jonathon’s belt and his zipper as he was lifted and rushed into the bedroom. He was thrown onto the bed and Leo’s hand planted on the middle of Jonathon’s back, pinning him to the mattress as his feet dangled off the floor.
“Fuck!” Jonathon howled when Leo held him open and slathered lube onto his hole and fingered him roughly. “Now, sir. Please, break me,” he begged in a ragged whimper. He clawed at the coverlet and Jonathon’s eyes crossed as Leo filled him with a brutally deep thrust.
“Mine! Fuck! Du gehörst mir! You are… Mine!” Leo’s pelvis slapped hard and fast against Jonathon’s ass, whipping them both into a wild frenzy. “Du bist mein!”
“Yes! Always!”
Leo bent over Jonathon, a hand twisting in his hair as feral growls thundered in his ear. “My Jonathon.” He rolled his hips, grinding with every possessive thrust.
Pleasure erupted and spilled from Jonathon, a bright rush of joy as he came with a delirious sob. He existed solely for Leo’s pleasure, every single cell and molecule humming with devotion and obsession. And it was pure bliss for Jonathon, knowing that Leo craved his body and his submission. He felt owned—possessed—to his very core and so completely under Leo’s command and Jonathon felt loved.
He knew it was way too soon, but Jonathon had never felt anything as strong as the desire to belong to Leo in every way possible. He was ready to confess his love and do anything to be with Leo. Jonathon couldn’t imagine anything that would make him happier but he knew Leo had huge responsibilities and a legacy waiting for him in Vienna.
The thought snatched Jonathon from ecstasy and sent him plunging into cold loneliness. He pushed off the bed, attempting to fill his lungs as they tightened only to hear Leo sob his name. Lush heat flooded his passage while Leo held him tight, one hand around Jonathon’s throat and the other arm wrapped around his chest.
“I thought I was dreaming the first time I saw you,” Leo huffed, rubbing his nose in the back of Jonathon’s hair and breathing him in. Suddenly, Jonathon could breathe again and he wasn’t cold and scared. “It was like I made a wish and the star itself had come to soothe my lonely soul.”
Kisses rained on Jonathon’s hair, the back of his neck, and his cheeks before Leo pushed off the bed and eased out. He scooped Jonathon up and placed him on the pillows, crooning softly as what was left of the crumpled white suit was peeled off and draped on the armchair.
“Shall I read to you?” Leo asked when he returned with their glasses and their book tucked under one arm.
Jonathon thanked him and took the book. “We’re almost to the end,” he noted sadly. They started with Rapunzel and it was Jonathon’s favorite but he had also enjoyed Sleeping Beauty, the Frog Prince, and Snow White.
“We’ll find another,” Leo replied, distracted as he scooted under the duvet and slid an arm around Jonathon. He pulled him close, nuzzling his cheek. “We’ll read as many books as you wish.” He took Jonathon’s hand and raised it, sniffing and kissing the inside of his wrist. “The first time I saw you, I was reminded of a star, but tonight you’re like a rose: beautiful, alluring, timeless... Spend the night with me. Sabine and your aunt won’t get in until morning and they’ll go straight to their rooms and pass out,” Leo predicted. “I rarely see Sabine before noon, the day after a big ball.”
“Muriel won’t send for me until it’s time to walk her down for cocktails before dinner,” Jonathon said. “But the whole night? What about the staff?”
“I told Frau Fischer that we would all sleep in and order breakfast in bed if we were hungry,” Leo said with a pleased grin. “No one will have any reason to bother either of us until we call them, so you shall sleep here tonight,” he declared with a firm nod.
“I can stay here tonight? I’ve never slept with anyone before. I’ve always slept by myself,” Jonathon said excitedly.
Leo hummed as he pulled Jonathon closer. “You will stay here and I can spend the whole night cherishing you.”
And cherish Leo did. He read to Jonathon, whispering in his ear as they sipped champagne. After, Leo crawled down to Jonathon’s feet and kissed them as he kneaded the arches and his calves until he was limp and drowsy. Leo licked and kissed his way up Jonathon’s back, whispering his adoration and admiration. His sentiments were so close to the whispers in Jonathon’s heart that they gave him hope.
He fell asleep sprawled on Leo’s chest but Jonathon woke up in his own room, no sign of his suit or their secret, private ball save for the bouquet of white roses on his bedside table. The castle was quiet the next day, with Sabine and Muriel staying in bed and sending for trays in the afternoon. Which was a good thing because Jonathon couldn’t help but blush and sigh dreamily every time he thought about what had occurred in Leo’s sitting room.
And it was so much worse every time their eyes met. Jonathon would beam and he dropped things whenever Leo smiled back at him. They flirted discreetly as they ate lunch and went at each other like starving animals in the Rose Tower later. Jonathon’s feet barely touched the ground that day and Sabine would have surely noticed if she hadn’t been sleeping off the Opera Ball.
He didn’t have to do all of that.
Jonathon often wondered if Leo was being self-indulgent or if there was something selfish and cruel in his nature that he kept hidden away. What about Jonathon had brought that out, or what had he done to deserve to be toyed with so mercilessly? He could have bounced back if it had been a normal fling and Jonathon had merely had a crush on Leo.