“Really, Leo! What has gotten into you this morning? Try as I might, I cannot stand in for you for a fitting and you will need new tuxedos this season.” Sabine gave him a pointed look as she tossed her napkin on her plate and rose. “I don’t know what’s worse today, your mood or the weather,” she said as she gestured at the windows. The wind howled, battering the castle with rain and sleet.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t sleep well last night,” Leo said, rubbing his temple to ease the ache behind his eyes. He should have come clean then, instead of blaming it on the lack of sleep and the dreary, overcast morning making him irritable. All he had wanted was to wallow in bed with Jonathon and hear his sweet, soft moans as the storm rolled in, but Leo had to wait until breakfast to see him and they had agreed to act as if nothing had happened.
“Poor thing,” Sabine said, clicking her teeth as she went around the table and pressed the back of her hand against his forehead. “You aren’t warm, but you should lay down.”
“I’m fine,” Leo had muttered and swept her hand away. He avoided glancing at Jonathon, too afraid he’d snap again.
“I don’t know…” Jonathon winced over his coffee cup at him. “Muriel says it’s too damp and her joints are too achy to leave her bed. You’re looking a touch…peaked as well, sir.”
Leo cast him a pointed look, not in the mood to be ganged up on when he was doing his best to be less grumpy. “Am I?” he asked flatly, earning a concerned hum from Jonathon.
“You might feel better if you listened to Sabine and took a nap,” he suggested, then turned when they heard a loud crack and lightning lit up the sky. “It’s certainly the weather for it.”
Sabine nodded, patting Leo’s shoulder. “Why don’t you rest? I’ll be in Vienna most of the day.”
“You’re leaving? In this?” Jonathon protested as he spun around in his seat to shake his head at her. “It could get really icy. Can’t you reschedule?”
“Oh! It’s so sweet of you to worry, Schatz,” she said, her lower lip pushing out.
Leo snorted and shook his head. “Sabine drives like a demon. Her father was a rally champion. He sent Sabine and her brothers to Finland to learn how to race in the snow and on ice,” he informed Jonathon. “I don’t let her drive when we go out together because I prefer to keep my trousers dry, but I never worry about her safety.”
She hummed dismissively and shrugged. “I’ll be fine. I’m meeting with the event coordinator so we can finalize the details for Leo’s ceremony. It’s just three weeks away so there’s no time to reschedule,” she explained and turned and bent so she could search Leo’s eyes and face. “You really should get some rest. Want me to send for the doctor?”
“No!” Leo chuckled and waved her off, no longer irritated and willing to play along. “I’ll think about a nap, if you’ll quit worrying. Don’t drive too fast and keep me updated,” he told her.
“That is my job,” she said as she left them.
Jonathon’s eyes followed her and he waited until the sound of her heels faded to flash Leo a sly grin. “I was hoping she’d keep that appointment. I’ll meet you in your room in an hour, once we’re sure she’s safely on her way,” he whispered before popping a berry into his mouth. He winked as he chewed and Leo couldn’t think of a single reason to be gloomy anymore.
“Excellent,” he said and reached for the jam.
Their “nap” was a decadent afternoon of touching and teasing. Jonathon, sore from the night before, insisted on pampering Leo with a long, lavish blowjob. He made Leo’s toes curl as he babbled and swore in German. Leo came all over his tongue and chin and watched in lovestruck awe as Jonathon gathered every drop and licked his fingers clean.
Jonathon wasn’t sore the next morning when they met after breakfast or later that evening, when he surprised Leo in the Rose Tower at sunset. And he certainly wasn’t sore when Leo found Jonathon waiting in his bed that night.
Somehow, Jonathon knew when Leo’s need for him was at its peak and was ready to fulfill his wildest fantasies.
“Now?” Leo had asked, a few days later, as Jonathon backed him into an armchair in a hidden alcove in the library. “I had no idea this was here,” he noted as he appreciated the arched ceiling and the stained glass window, making Jonathon purr.
“That’s why it’s perfect. Sabine’s in a conference call with your cousin and the archduchess, and my aunt’s in a conference call with her eyelids after those mimosas. Brilliant suggestion, by the way,” he added as he unzipped Leo’s trousers. “We have at least an hour and no one knows we’re alone and that this place exists. We can do anything you want…sir,” Jonathon murmured seductively, winding Leo up as he stroked his cock.
Leo was so hard, he ached for Jonathon in ways he never imagined he was capable of. Somehow, the ethereal younger man knew how to awaken an animal within Leo that only Jonathon could tame.
“The things you do to me, Jonathon. And when you say my name and call me sir…” Leo said in a gravelly rasp, his control fading as he twisted his fingers in Jonathon’s hair. “Everything makes me think of you and every time I think of you, I need you.”
“Then, take me,” Jonathon replied with a lift of his brow, daring Leo. “I told you, anything you want, whenever you want, and I meant it, Leo. You can have me anywhere inside and outside of this castle, at any time you please,” he said, making Leo dizzy.
“Why? You shouldn’t encourage me to be so…controlling. How can I know what you want if I’m only pleasing myself?”
“Because that pleases me,” Jonathon said in a soft, groaning whimper. “When you had your hand around my throat that first night… I felt so beautiful, so…cherished. I felt safe and I knew you wanted me—that I was the thing you wanted to claim and control.”
“Yes!” Leo kissed him hard and guided Jonathon back until they bumped into the chair. “I visited a few…clubs when I was in London, before Max mentioned abdication and I agreed to be Margrave.” He had no idea why he was telling Jonathon, but Leo trusted him. “I played with a few subs and wanted to explore more but I can never go back.”
Jonathon lifted Leo’s hand to his neck. “You can explore with me, sir,” he whispered. “Take me as many times as you wish. I want to be yours. I want to be claimed and I want to feel you leaking down my thighs while I’m walking in the garden or up the tower steps,” he said, unleashing a wave of desire and hunger that nearly swept Leo off his feet.
“Jonathon… You have no idea,” he managed. His hand shook as it curled around Jonathon’s throat. It was so long and graceful. Leo was humbled and still in disbelief that Jonathon was real or that anyone could be so perfect. So perfect for him.
“Show me,” Jonathon taunted as the hand around Leo’s shaft reached lower to cup his sac. “Show me how to serve you,” he said, snapping Leo’s control like a brittle twig.