It was an ancient four poster, draped in blue velvet, and fit for a king or a prince. Jonathon wondered how many royals before Leo had slept there and had second thoughts. Did he truly have the nerve? Leo might have entertained thoughts about a fling with Jonathon, but in his ancestors’ bed?
“He doesn’t think you’re cheap, so stop thinking like you are,” Jonathon said quietly, then pulled back his shoulders and untied the belt at his waist. He let the robe fall and used his foot to push it under the bedskirt before lifting the covers and sliding across the mattress.
He waited in the shadows, his head propped up on an elbow, practicing the speech he had prepared for Leo. His nerve buckled and Jonathon thought he might faint when Leo strode into the suite’s sitting room. He peeled off his coat and tossed it at the sofa and went to pace by the fireplace. Leo’s bow tie followed and there was a tap at the door before Jonathon heard Sabine murmur a sympathetic “dearest.”
“What if he heard you?” Leo said as he resumed his pacing.
“I don’t think he did. I took a peek and he’s sleeping like a baby,” she said softly, as if she were afraid of waking him.
Leo laughed, sounding relieved. “He is?”
“Yes. Now, stop worrying and see if you can get some rest. That’s why we’re here, after all.”
“Fine. Goodnight, Sabine.”
“Goodnight, dearest.” She kissed his cheek and promptly left, closing the door behind her.
“Perhaps Muriel was telling the truth about the book hangover,” Leo chuckled to himself as he toed off his shoes.
He passed the bedroom doors and was out of sight for a few moments, but was shirtless and carrying a drink when he padded into the bedroom. A lamp was turned on and Jonathon heard a belt unbuckling and a fly unzipping before Leo came around the bed’s canopy and tossed a book on the coverlet. It landed next to Jonathon’s knee and there was a sharp hiss before Leo swept aside the velvet curtain.
His brow arched and his nostrils flared, but the rest of Leo’s body remained locked, his gaze severe as it pinned Jonathon’s. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Probably not, but you want me here,” Jonathon said, sliding the covers down as he rolled onto his stomach and arched his back suggestively.
“I don’—” Leo rasped and needed a long sip from his drink as he drifted around to the foot of the bed.
“You don’t what?” Jonathon asked innocently. He slid his right knee higher, presenting Leo with a view of his bare ass and his hole.
The glass slipped from Leo’s fingers, hitting the rug with a dull thud, and whatever he was going to say was forgotten, apparently. “Jonathon…” he groaned as he set his knee on the bed. His hand shook as a knuckle traced the curve of Jonathon’s asscheek. “Jonathon,” he said in a ragged, reverent whisper.
His name feathered across Jonathon’s skin, making him shiver before Leo kissed him there.
Jonathon would not be exaggerating when he said their first kiss had curled his toes. His eyes crossed and Jonathon whimpered at the lush heat washing over his hole. He had to grab onto the headboard as Leo’s tongue swirled and lapped.
“Oh, God! Leo!” Jonathon gasped out. He had never experienced the wild, hot need throbbing in his core and he felt like he was going to jump out of his skin, he was so nervous and desperately hungry to feel Leo there. “Leo, please!” he cried as Leo sucked and licked like a starved man.
“Again,” Leo growled, his large, strong hands spreading around Jonathon’s ass and kneading, then around his pelvis before he was rolled onto his back. “Say my name again,” he whispered as he kissed along the inside of Jonathon’s thigh.
His tongue curled around Jonathon’s sac, eliciting a strained, yelped “Leo!” as he arched off the bed.
“Do you like this?” Leo asked huskily, his breath wafting over Jonathon’s erection. Jonathon shook his head, sliding a hand over his hard-on and hiding it. There was a soft, shushing sound as Leo kissed around his navel. “Did someone hurt you?”
“No!” Jonathon laughed shakily. “I just can’t get off like that and I feel like I’m going to lose my mind if you’re not in my ass or my mouth soon.”
“Oh, Gott!” Leo pushed off the bed and dove at Jonathon’s lips. His kiss was demanding—commanding—as his hands wandered, gripping and pulling at Jonathon’s back, limbs, ass… He was insatiable and Jonathon reveled in the heat and frantic need as they pushed and kicked Leo’s trousers and boxers out of the way. Leo rose and reached for the bedside table and let out a strangled “Scheiße!”
Jonathon wound an arm and a leg around Leo, imploring him to come back and keep going. “What’s wrong? Don’t stop.”
“I have lube, but I don’t have any condoms.”
Heat flooded Jonathon’s face. He nuzzled into the corner of Leo’s neck, hoping he wouldn’t notice. “We don’t need them.”
Leo tensed and raised his head, attempting to see Jonathon’s eyes. “Why do you—? Are you sure you don’t—?” he mumbled, earning an awkward shrug as Jonathon tried to burrow into Leo’s shoulder.
“I trust you and I had a checkup before we left and everything was…fine,” he managed.
“Are you sure?” Leo repeated, looking around the suite. “My last labs shouldn’t be hard to find if I can just remember where…”