Page 18 of Jonathon, After All

“I believe the poetry is over there.” Jonathon stood, waving at the opposite corner of the room.

“Yes, it is,” Leo agreed, nodding. He attempted a breezy smile and gestured vaguely. “Are you finding yourself more…entertained,” he said and immediately regretted it when Jonathon’s brows jumped and his eyes widened. “I mean, I hope you won’t feel the need to go climbing or burgling to pass the time.”

A sweet, soft laugh wafted from Jonathon. “You have my word: I will only explore the rooms Frau Fischer said I could use.” He headed for the door and Leo hurried to intercept him.

“That’s not necessary.” Leo caught his cardigan’s sleeve, then immediately released it. “What I mean to say is…” He flashed Jonathon a wide smile, struggling for anything sensible. “It is my wish for you to make yourself at home while you’re here at Schönbühel. Go anywhere you wish. Just do so safely.”

Jonathon nodded, hugging the book and canting toward Leo. “I will. And thank you,” he added, smiling at Leo.

“Thank you? For what?” Leo half expected Jonathon to be sore about the matter. He would probably have to apologize if it had been Matteo or Elio.

“‘Good luck dressing yourself with a broken arm,’” Jonathon declared and pulled a face. “That’s all Muriel would ever say and Tilly would just remind me to take my phone, in case I needed to call for help. I don’t recall either of them trying to stop me or making sure I wasn’t going anywhere too dangerous.”

“They don’t sound like the most responsible guardians for a small child.”

“They weren’t,” Jonathon said as he held up a hand. “But I survived and was able to entertain myself because my aunt made sure I had everything else I needed. A lot of kids can’t say the same.”

“I suppose. Your aunt has grown on me,” Leo admitted, making Jonathon snort.

“Reserve judgment,” he advised. “And if Herr Weber complains that she’s stalking him, he’s probably telling you the truth.”

“Our butler?” Leo asked with a frown. “Why?”

Jonathon groaned, sounding exasperated. “Now, she’s the one you have to worry about getting bored. I’m hoping this will scratch the itch and she’ll refrain from launching a full scale investigation,” he explained as he waved the book at Leo.

“That is concerning,” he agreed, then a voice Leo rarely heard whispered for him to play along and take a chance, so he plucked up the nerve. “I hope you aren’t suggesting that I entertain your aunt. Muriel has grown on me and while I do prefer my women older and more confident, I don’t take orders very well.”

“No!” A surprised laugh slipped from Jonathon as his cheeks turned bright pink. “Muriel definitely likes to give orders and I wouldn’t peg you as being all that submissive. Although, I probably wouldn’t peg you at all, because I’m not a top,” he added with an exaggerated wink.

He had shocked Leo again. But only because it appeared that Jonathon might be more aware, and possibly experienced, than Leo had assumed. His eyes narrowed as he studied Jonathon, attempting to gauge his interest and understanding. “I do enjoy a good pegging, once in a while, but I tend to seek out more submissive partners,” he confided and noted the flaring of Jonathon’s pupils and how much deeper the pink on his cheeks got.

“Well…” Jonathon licked his lips and nodded jerkily. “That’s certainly…entertaining. Not for Muriel, obviously.”

“I would not be interested in Muriel,” Leo confirmed as he raised a knuckle, but stopped himself before tracing Jonathon’s cheek. “What am I doing?” He held up his hands, taking a large step back and shaking his head. “My apologies. I don’t know why I lose my head whenever I’m around you,” he said, then made a hasty escape and cursed himself for the rest of the day for being a reckless idiot.

It was bad enough that he had even considered seducing a twenty-year-old, but Leo had to make an ass out of himself while doing it. Thankfully, Jonathon had smoothed everything over later, when everyone gathered for cocktails before dinner. He sidled up to Leo while Sabine and Muriel were discussing the gowns they had packed for the upcoming ball season.

“It happens to me too, you know,” Jonathon had whispered over his gin and tonic.

Leo raised a brow, leaning in. “What happens?”


He was in trouble. The smile that lit up Jonathon’s eyes and curved his lips was so much more intoxicating than the whiskey in Leo’s glass. How could one be coy yet clever and captivating at the same time?

“I lose my head too and I say the silliest things whenever you’re around,” he said, clicking his teeth at himself. “I’m having a terrible time paying attention. My mind is in a completely different place these days.”

“And where is it right now?” Leo had dared, quietly.

He answered with a soft, seductive hum, glancing at the sofa to make sure his aunt and Sabine were still occupied. “At the moment… I’m thinking about the Rose Tower and how I’ll pass the rest of the evening after dinner,” Jonathon said with a casual shrug, but he had set off alarm bells.

Leo knew what Jonathon was suggesting and while his heart and his body had screamed yes, his common sense and self-preservation warned that their game had just taken a very serious and dangerous turn.

“I know better, and you shouldn’t tempt me,” he whispered to Jonathon, giving his head a tight shake. “Normally, it wouldn’t be so difficult to keep my distance, but I find you’re the only person whose company I enjoy here. I would regret it deeply if my actions caused that to change,” he explained, then excused himself before Jonathon had a chance to tempt Leo again.

Looking back, Leo could see that an affair with Jonathon was inevitable and that his resistance had been flimsy and merely to appease his own conscience. Jonathon would obliterate Leo’s self-control less than twenty-four hours later. And like all good submissives, Jonathon would be the one holding Leo in the palm of his hand when they weren’t having sex.

That was exactly what Leo had craved and Jonathan had somehow instinctively sussed out that they were a perfect fit for each other. Leo’s time at Schönbühel turned into a true retreat, healing and nurturing his spirit and his body, once he had submitted to Jonathon’s will.